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10 Tips For Staying Extremely Productive At Uni

10 Tips For Staying Extremely Productive At Uni

These tips will help at staying productive at Uni. You will not be able to be distracted or procrastinate with these tips.

OMG!  Term time is almost upon you!  Are you panicking?  Have you spent all your time trawling summer festivals? Shopping with friends? Drinking til 3 a.m.? Not feeling too fresh eh! Sluggish lazy and completely unprepared? Don’t worry you are not alone! You really want to achieve that career.  You are going to have to get your head down and stop procrastinating. Here are 10 tips for staying productive at uni.

1.  Eat Healthy

You need to sort your diet out, eat healthy, drink plenty of water and go for a run, take the dog for a walk. Look for high energy foods so you don’t get sluggish.

2.  Bullet Journal

Buy motivational equipment, cute sticky notes, gem pens, Disney notebooks, furry pencil cases! Whatever you think will keep you focused and productive, as well as friend envy!


4.  Sleep

Make sure you have a good sleep routine.

5. Exercise

Go for walks or runs. If you aren’t into those options, buy a hula-hoop or find other ways of staying active.



6. Use Sticky Notes To Help Stay Productive At Uni

Sticky notes can help you mark important tasks or due dates coming up. This will be a game-changer for staying productive at Uni.

7. Go To The Library

Grab coffee with a friend prior. It’s proven caffeine improves your memory.

See Also


9. Turn your phone off.

10.  Set goals and complete them!

Assign tasks to certain times of the day and check them off as you go. This is a great way at staying productive at Uni.


Let us know what you think about these tips for staying productive at Uni!  Follow these tips, and you will achieve your goals and remain productive at Uni! These tips are bound to have you succeeding.
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