The Tips And Tricks Of How To Meditate In Bed Before Sleep

Meditation is perfect for the body and mind, whether you use it for moments of anxiety, during yoga or as a sleep inducer. Meditation Is something everybody should try at least once a day, especially before going to sleep as it allows you to take control of your own mind, and achieve complete relaxation. That’s why learning how to meditate in bed can be beneficial for you.
Meditation has been proven to induce sleep for people who suffer with insomnia or any other conditions, so meditating in bed is the best option for a better sleep, as it will make you feel rejuvenated and optimistic the following day.
Many meditation experts discuss two modes of meditation, the quiet and the active, the latter being used for more advanced meditators, where the quiet is great for all levels. The quiet is mostly used in yoga and meditative sleep.
A lot of people now use apps such as Headspace before bed, although sometimes it is best to have no sound when preparing to sleep.
Here are some tips and tricks on how to meditate in bed before sleeping:
You can experience a few techniques that will teach you how to meditate in bed. The best position to take is Savasana or corpse pose, which is also used at the beginning and the end of a yoga class to allow for complete relaxation. You can lie any wish you wish but if you wish to fall asleep straight away the best option would be to lie on your back in your bed, making sure you are as comfortable as possible so you do not have to move. You can keep your eyes open in this position, but it is probably best to keep them close if your main aim is to sleep.
Once in the corpse pose, scan your body chronologically from head to toe with the aim of relaxing each part of the face and body. If you feel as though anything is uncomfortable move it in order to maintain a full sense of comfort. Flexing or movement of each part of the face or body may help you to concentrate on specific areas, engaging the entire mind and body. Make sure you take all the time you need to do this before beginning to fall in to complete relaxation.
Breathing is one of the most important parts of meditation, as it helps the body relax by slowing down the breath. You can start by breathing in through your nose and filling up your chest as much as possible, then holding it until you are capable, and breathing it out through the mouth. This should be completed at least three times.
Another method of breathing only involves breathing in and out through the nose. This involves inhaling through the nose for up to three seconds then exhaling for longer, up to five seconds if possible. You can increase the breathing time if you wish.
Our thoughts are one of the main reasons we struggle to sleep, due to overthinking or stress. Meditation allows us to fade out these thoughts if we need to, along with the continuous breathing, as well as mindful thinking, such as shifting focus on the body parts or deep questions, which will allow us to block out negative thoughts.
Waking up
It is equally as important to meditate when you wake up, instead of just jumping straight up, which usually results in a headache. This can just be a short meditation session where you allow the body to awaken, and also help you prepare for the day ahead.
What do you think of these tips and tricks on how to meditate in bed before sleeping? Let us know in the comments below.
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An aspiring journalist from Liverpool passionate about Yoga, Dance, Fashion, and Travel.