8 Times Beyonce Was Better Than Literally Everyone

Did you know that Beyonce is better than literally everyone and everything? You did?
Well, it is common knowledge that she rules pretty much everything she puts her hands and mind to. But, if you needed any proof, here’s why she totally owns her Queen Bey moniker. Starting with…
1. When She Dropped Her Self-Titled Album
Was there any moment crazier than waking up to find that Bey had released an entire album overnight? How about the fact that it was released without promotion or prior announcement and still debuted at number one on the US Billboard 200?
If the way that ‘Beyonce’ came into our lives wasn’t enough, the album proved to be one of her greatest – introducing us to an album with complete artistic vision and an edgy new sound.
2. And Released ‘Lemonade’
From no announcement to teasers we didn’t even release were teasers – Bey had been posting subtle lemons on her Insta for weeks before this album dropped.
Aside from this, there were a few more iconic factors that solidified ‘Lemonade’ has a pivotal moment in Beyonce history. Firstly, it was a head-to-two visual album in a scale no one had really attempted before (except for Beyonce, with her self-titled). Secondly, it was the first time the public got to hear Beyonce comment on Jay-Z cheating on her with that bitch, “Becky”.
Also included in ‘Lemonade’ were legendary collabs, ventures into new genres, a televised release, and the sneaky business of making it a ‘Tidal’ exclusive – the streaming service owned by her husband, making them double the bank.
3. And That Photo Of Her And Solange After…You Know What
We all know what.
And seriously, how fucking great was it on both their behalves? The sisters share this iconic moment together – Solange for being all of us @ Jay-Z, and Bey for delivering us that cool, calm and collected papz shot just moments after the incident.
Where is her Oscar?
4. Or When She Released ‘Crazy In Love’
Not the most dramatic release – but definitely the song that solidified her solo career, launched Beyonce into music’s hall of fame, and became one of the most well-known songs around.
Oh, and that choreo – we all remember it, and no matter how hard we try, there’s not another human being who can be on Beyonce’s level.
5. Every Pregnancy Announcement Ever
Beyonce literally invented the pregnancy announcement. Like, literally.
So, um, how about being one of the most high-profile celebs of the modern era, and managing to hide not one, but two pregnancies from the media?
Two, bitches!
Her surprise announcement for Blue Ivy at the 2011 VMAs, and again with the twins via that iconic Instagram post, has literally ended us all. Pregnancies are cancelled, over, don’t even bother with them – unless you think you can pop out anything as unbelievably legendary?
6. When She Owned The Paps About Lip Syncing Rumours
So Beyonce was accused of lip-syncing the American national anthem – which seems to be a theme with the media asking these questions of our most beloved female musicians.
And yes, she did lip sync her Superbowl rendition of the anthem – but in the same press conference, our Queen Bey proved this wasn’t a lack of vocal talent.
Belting out a live performance to prove us all wrong? Yeah, we’d say that’s pretty badass.
7. Her Superbowl Performance
Uh, dare we say, the best Superbowl performance of all time? And dare we also say that Beyonce’s performance is literally unstoppable?
You can’t top a top – and Beyonce is the only one capable of outdoing herself. This performance was hard to beat, what with the marching bands, spectacular vocal talent, and surprise appearances of Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams – but beat it she did, with her not-yet-surpassed…
8. Beychella
Coachella is dead.
Not only because it’s basically an influencer-made experience rather than a music festival these days, and neither because all the millions made heads into the hands of a right-wing, homophobic billionaire.
No – Coachella is dead and buried because Beyonce killed it, and there’s no resurrecting it after a performance too legendary to be described. Seriously, you have to watch it – and you can, because the whole thing was filmed and released on Netflix.
The performance was nearly two hours long, she was the first black woman to headline for the festival, her costumes were insane, Jay-Z and ‘Destiny’s Child’ and sissy Solange joined her onstage, and she was backed by a crazy number of talented musicians and performers.
So, in summary – Beyonce is too bootylicious for us all.