After Uni

7 Time Saving Tips To Speed Up Your Job Search

Searching for jobs is a time-consuming task that a lot of us would rather not do. However, people don’t realise that there are a variety of ways to get around this. The key is to be as strategic as possible. Follow these simple time saving tips to narrow down and quicken your job search and you’ll be on your way to your dream job in no time.

Consider what you want

Avoid applying to any and everything that’s out there. It’s a waste of yours and the hiring managers’ time. The best way to start the search is to narrow down your options by figuring out what kind of work you would like to go into. Thinking about what your ideals are for your dream job is a good starting point to set you up for the kind of jobs you’re looking for.

Be specific

Be specific about the terms you use in your job search in order to generate an appropriate set of job posts for your desired field. This is ideal for narrowing down your job search, as it will crop up the closest results to the kind of job positions you know you are best suited for. This will save you a lot of time when trying to decipher between positions and finding out where you’ll most likely fit.

List your preferences

Make a list of the companies that you would like to work for. Ask yourself what is it about them that makes you want to join the team. You can monitor their company pages to see what jobs are going. Additionally, following some of their employees on networking sites is a good opportunity to learn more about a particular group and possibly reach out to them to ask what their company is looking for in an employee.


Often times, it’s all about those connections you make. Some of the best jobs are found through knowing and talking to people from the field in the first place. Market yourself in as many ways as possible. Make use of social media in your job search to look out for people who work in your desired field. Drop them a line and let them know that you’re looking for work in their field, and they may just point you in the right direction.

Update your channels

Make sure your resume is up to date and that the relevant experience and projects you’ve done are added accordingly. Don’t forget to update all your social and networking sites so that you have a consistent message on your community and job profiles. This way when people are searching for employees, you could end up being one of the top results.

See Also

Tailor your resume

Be specific about the position you want and the appropriate skills that match to ensure you’re applying for the right calibre of jobs. Highlight those skills and think about where you’ve used them. Don’t add all the experience you’ve had, as this will make you seem generic and dispassionate about the field of work you’re looking into.

Work in order to find work

Just like any job finding work takes time, so finding your new job has to be your new job. Allocate and dedicate a number of hours each day to your job search so that you’re focused on finding the best job posts for you. It takes time to tailor your resume accordingly and update along the way. You might actually find that your interests change or that you’ve found better and more suitable search terms to use. If you’re already working and you’re looking for a different job, spend as much time as possible looking for one.

Did you find these tips helpful? Let us know in the comments sections below!
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Lauren Johnson

Lauren is a freelance writer who aspires to be an editor-in-chief of her own publication. Her interests lie in culture, people and behaviour. Her favourite exercise routine is laughing (it really works the abs!).

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