7 Tie Looks That Will Look Bomb On Any Guy

Ties are pretty much the secret weapon of any stylish man’s wardrobe. The right tie can give you the swagger you need to walk into any room feeling like a total boss. Or they can add a touch a masculine elegance to any dinner suit that makes you look like a real James Bond. Personally, I love to wear zany, off the wall ties because why not take every opportunity to express your crazy?
No matter how you like to wear them, here at Society19 we’ve put together some tie tips and overall looks that can help you be the sartorial talk of the town. Winning!
1. It’s All About the Overall Look
Your tie has to work well with the rest of your outfit as a mismatch can bounce you into a true stylistic disaster. Make sure to take a look in the mirror or better yet snap a selfie for the group chat. If we can’t trust our friends to call out a shocking tie what can we lean on them for?
A good rule is to generally keep it simple stupid. You want your tie to anchor the look, so solid staple colours are generally your best bet.
2. The Bow Tie, Baby!
The Bow Tie has very quickly gone from its traditional tie-it-yourself black standby to the insanely popular cherry on top finisher to many dapper looks. With the wave of versatile and wearable bow-ties flooding the market, don’t be afraid to experiment as they work with a cotton sweater just as well as the trendiest of short suits.
3. Go for Pin-Dot Over Polka-Dot!
Polka-Dot is a very dangerous print that can easily go in a concerning direction. The pin-dot is a more mature and reliable option. It’ll add a touch of smart, subtle and sophisticated cool to any suit. So don’t make the mistake, it is the season of PINS over POLKA!
4. Has Winter Arrived? Crack Out Wool!
I had to resist the opportunity to make a Game Of Thrones joke here. If it’s the middle of Winter you’ll want a woollen tie to complement your heavier-weight and warmer suits. So don’t be like John Snow and know something!
In fact, it can be lots of fun to match your tie to the seasons. So if it’s summer then you best believe it’s time for a cotton number.
5. Badges, Badges, Badges
The badge is actually a tie’s best friend. No exaggeration, a well-picked pin can set off a tie like tonic sets off gin. The particular pin is always influenced by your overall look, trust. So go for a fancy gold or silver number if you’re putting together a formal look for the gods. If you’re looking for a more casual vibe, then it’s all about something humourous and cute. Personally, I love to go with something political as nothing will start a conversation quicker than the statement tie paired with an actually important statement! Options, choices and decisions!
6. Adventurous, Edgy, Couture
As men’s fashion moves away from being basic and route, old understandings of what a piece of clothing actually is have melted away. The same goes for ties, with designers reinventing our understandings of what a tie is. Think multi-layered structural fabrics, weird shapes and strange cultural references.
7. Be Afraid Of Boring
Yes, simplicity is important for more formal occasions. But that’s a rule. Interesting people always break the rules, reinvent them and throw them out the window. Why be basic? As men, we are put into boxes and expected to conform. This is a personal choice, but if your going to choose one element of your outfit to speak to your inner freak why not make it the tie? Maybe some go a little far, but I genuinely believe everyone is a little psycho. Let the tie speak to this and go crazy!