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10 Thoughts You’ll Have If You’re On The Slimming World Diet

10 Thoughts You’ll Have If You’re On The Slimming World Diet

10 Thoughts You'll Have If You're On The Slimming World Diet

Have you recently joined The Slimming World Diet or have been a loyal group member for a while now? Have you always got so many questions or thoughts that go through your mind that you only share with your Slimming World buddy but you are almost certain everyone is thinking the exact same?

Well, this article is going to shed some light onto you because it’s going to underline 10 thoughts every member has thought at least once during their weight-loss journey on The Slimming World Diet. Do not worry, you’re not the only one.

1. Carbs Galore

Do you ever find yourself questioning how the diet doesn’t really revolve around portion control unless it’s a syn? You could literally fill your plate with all the pasta in the world and your mentor will egg you on to do so and you sit there and ask yourself how?! How can all these carbs that my body will allow me to eat help me to drop those pounds?


I could make those Slimming World Fries using my Fry Light for breakfast, lunch and dinner and that is questionably allowed? I’m sure this is the main reason most of you started this diet or will do so now that you know you can be your true Carbie Barbie!

2. Weigh Day Is Cheat Day

You’ve been good all week, sticking to plan so you can see that beautiful loss on those scales and then as soon as you step off them, plough through the meeting having eaten enough Hi-Fi bars that you are one away from being judged by your mentor in your head you’ve already planned that take-away you will have when you get home.

Don’t deny it, everybody has at least once if not every week took weigh day as a ghost day because you’ve got all week to make up for it, right?!


3. Wishing You Could Attend Naked

Every single member in your Slimming World group as well as you turns up in their lightest gear. We’re talking leggings, a top that is so airy that you can almost see that pink sports bra through it and you’re always wondering if it’ll ever be acceptable to just come in bra-less and commando.

At the end of the day, every little helps when you’re on those scales!

4. Why Are You Still Here?

You see group members who have hit their target weight a zillion years ago but still attend group paying nearly £5 every single week. I mean that’s dedication to make sure they’re maintaining the weight they’re happy with but you can’t help but feel like this meeting is more of a social event for them… As adorable and a waste of money as that is.


5. My Feeder Made Me Do It

You know this week you’ve got a dreaded gain and so you have to go through reason after reason in your mind just so the mentor’s question of ‘What was your downfall this week?’ won’t be answered with ‘Please forgive me’. So, what do you say…

“My partner is a feeder!” and it doesn’t stop there, you go on to convince yourself it wasn’t your idea to order that Dominos on Friday night and make your partner go the McDonald’s Drive-Thru to pick you up those Chicken Selects after work on Tuesday. What they don’t know can’t hurt you right?

6. Quark

The dreaded white stuff that is a mix between Cottage Cheese and Yoghurt that people frequently use in their recipes that they share with the group every week but unfortunately, after buying one pot and dipping that finger in by mistake you can’t help but be disgusted with the stuff.


Just pretend, it’s ok.

7. A Maintain?

You were out Saturday night counting the syns in your Vodka-Diet Coke’s making sure you don’t go over those 15 syns or the few more you saved from the previous days of the week and you make sure you’re as good as gold because you’re strong and you’ve got this.

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Here is a list of sustainable alternatives to pads and tampons!


You get to your Slimming World weigh-in only to find out you bloody maintained. A maintain?! the regrets from not having that cheeky glass of wine you turned your back on are just too much. It’s fine though because you’ve got a bottle in the fridge for drowning your sorrows with when you get home.

8. Ham

This is a weird one but ham is syn free and tasty and you’re so used to snacking everyday that you question if it would be acceptable to take the plunge and demolish a whole packet at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

Don’t knock it until you try it.


9. Regrets

You had to attend the later Slimming World group because you stayed at work to try and get that paperwork done but now it’s 5:30pm and you had your lunch at 12pm so you try your hardest to hold on three more hours until tonight’s group is over but in the end you cave.

Then as soon as you swallow that last mouthful you imagine the look of disappointment on your mentors face and instantly hate yourself. Golden Rule ladies; never eat an entire meal before weigh-in.

10. Fry Light Is Life

You don’t know what you’d do without your beloved Fry Light and it’s appreciation doesn’t end there… The shrine in the middle of your group meeting venue is also to praise the lords for this product. Fry Light will never let you down.


Has The Slimming World Diet ever made you have these thoughts? Or do you have some shameful but honest thoughts of your own? Drop them below and you might just make a fellow member feel a bit better!

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