8 Thoughts Every Learning Driver Has

Are you a new learning driver or maybe you’ve had a fair few lessons so far and every lesson you seem to have the same thoughts like “When will this ever end?” or “I definitely did that wrong” but you keep them to yourself because you don’t want your driver to judge or agree that you’re doing a terrible job?

Do not fear, you are not alone my friend and this article is going to summarise 8 thoughts that you’ve had since you’ve started learning to drive… even if you can only relate to the one.

1. “What The Hell Should I Say?”

Every lesson you get the same anxious thought about what kind of small talk you’re going to have to make for one or two hours; “Should I start with how many lessons they’ve had to do today?”

It’s like that awkward tension you get in a taxi when you are sat in silence wondering if adding to the small talk they get all day is going to make them kick you out their car.

2. You Hate Going Down In Gears

You’re a learning driver and you’ve got pretty much everything sussed and you know what to do the majority of the time but those bloody gears throw you off every single lesson. You’re quite happy to get your foot down and go up in gears when you move off from some traffic lights but when you need to slow down to that junction you just can’t wrap your brain around where each gear is without looking.

This is very, very irritating and you’re probably wondering when you won’t have to take your eyes off the road for something so stupidly simple.

3. They Can’t Do That

Every lesson your driving instructor does something that seems to anger you because in reality, you probably can’t afford that fee you’re paying every single hour for being a part-time employed learning driver.

This won’t apply to all tutors but whether they are late most lessons, like to make a pit-stop to grab some lunch or even just choose to sit on their phone leaving you to wait for further instructions you will find there is something your instructor will do to annoy you.

You’re paying good money for them to waste your time but you let them anyway because you unfortunately need them if you want any sense of independence one day and you don’t want to deal with the hassle of finding another instructor.

4. Same Thing, Every Time

It’s not just those nasty little gears because there will always be something else you mess up on. No matter how many times you’re told to do it correctly it just won’t sink in and after every single time you do it, you make a little joke to your instructor when you’re really just hating yourself inside.

5. Can I Have Praise Now

Those very rare lessons that as a learning driver you know you’ve done incredibly well at and you can just about see that the end is near but your driving instructor says nothing. You’re sat there like “Excuse me, tell me I absolutely nailed that please” but they sit in silence which has you second guessing everything that you thought you did right.

See Also

Next time, you take the reigns and ask him how you’re doing because they are probably just hating the fact you won’t be one of their money makers for much longer.

6. Red Lights Are So Sneaky

Do you have those red lights in your area that don’t stay on green for more than 10 seconds?! So you think it’s safe to go but nope, your instructor has to slam on those breaks of his and you’re just left in pure shame yet again.  You will beat them one day.

7. Sun Visors Are The Devils

The suns out, you’re having a nice drive but you’re obviously blinded by the light so you put your sun visor down so your vision isn’t completely ruined but apparently, it doesn’t just shade you, it makes your driving go from an 8 to a bloody 3. Why do sun visors instantly put you off being a functioning driver?!

8. I Hate Your Ringtone

Why is it that every single lesson your instructor gets a phone call? Maybe it’s a student trying to book a lesson or maybe it’s their partner asking when they’ll be home. That’s not the issue though, the issue is their god awful ringtone that makes your ears bleed because it’s some old wrap song or just an annoying tune that won’t leave your mind.

And every lesson becomes a waiting game for that phone to ring.

Are you a learning driver who’s had any of these thoughts? Or maybe you have a few thoughts of your own? Comment them below and someone will probably relate to you!

Featured Image Source: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/558587160028118725/
Shannon Mugford

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