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5 Thoughtful Ways To Show Your Best Friend You Care

5 Thoughtful Ways To Show Your Best Friend You Care

Love your best friend but don't know how to show it? Here are 5 thouguhtful ways to show your best friendy you care about them!

Sometimes, it’s hard to make friends. So when you do somehow managed to get close enough to someone to call them your best friend, it’s always good to cherish them as much as you possibly can. But I understand that sometimes it can be hard to show them you care and that you love them, especially if you’re not the affectionate kind, to begin with. But don’t worry, because here we’ve conjured up 5 thoughtful ways to show your best friend your care!

Remember the small details

Remembering the small details- from their favourite colour, to that one shirt they really wanted to get but never did- is a surefire way to show your best friend you care. It tells them that you listen to them when they tell you things, and that you know them inside out. It shows that they’re important enough in your life for you to even bother remembering all the small details.

Get them a thoughtful or handmade gift

Don’t just buy them the newest iPhone and call it a day. Get them something you know they’ve been wanting for a long time, or go the extra mile and make your best friend something you know they’ll like. This will show your best friend that, not only do you remember all the details, but you’re willing to go out of your way to get them something meaningful as well. Handmade gifts will also give you bonus points, as it shows how much time and effort you’re willing to put into your friendship with them.


Always invite them to hang out

Another surefire way to show your best friend you care is by inviting them to hang out. Calling them out will tell them that you enjoy being around them and that you love hanging out with them. Nobody wants a best friend who never invites them out for events, or even just to have a talk- that’ll just make you feel ignored and unimportant. Don’t hesitate to invite your best friend out on a regular basis. I mean, they are your best friend for a reason.

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Check up on them when they start acting up

Even best friends keep secrets from each other. If you see your best friend acting out of the ordinary or being weird, don’t hesitate to check up on them and see how they’re doing. Don’t expect your best friend to just tell you everything that’s on their mind- chances are, they won’t. Checking up on them will show your best friend you care about their mental health and wellbeing, and that you’re going to be there for them when they need your emotional support, and help.


Be there for them when they need you

But just checking up on them isn’t enough, you have to SHOW them you’re there for them when they need you. Whether it be a bad break up, or something else that has been bothering them for a while, give them a shoulder to cry on and the space to rant to you. Even if you’re unable to meet up with them on late notice, a text or a phone call, or just any effort to give them the support they need will show your best friend you care about them.

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