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10 Things You’ll Never Forget Growing Up In Glasgow

10 Things You’ll Never Forget Growing Up In Glasgow

10 Things You'll Never Forget Growing Up In Glasgow

There are some memories that make you cringe (mostly at yourself) and laugh out loud. As a kid that grew up in Glasgow there are definitely more memories I curl my toes at, but special ones I’ll never forget. Here are only 10 out of hundreds of things I’ll never forget growing up in Glasgow – it even has its own hashtag “#Growingupglaswegian” if you want to have a look at even more memories on Twitter.

1. MSN

It was an after school activity, one you probably spend too much time on. Creating a cool MSN name with a rainbow of emoticons took hours at a time and giving your best friends a shout out in your tag line was vital in keeping those friendships strong. Signing in and out repeatedly hoping your crush would notice you and then ignoring them in real life; online flirting at its most innocent.


2. Parents asking what team your new boyfriend supported

“Celtic or Rangers?” Growing up in Glasgow, there was an 100% chance you’d be asked this question when you told your parents you were dating someone new. It was almost a pre-requisite question before you were allowed to bring them home to meet your mum and dad. God forbid they supported the opposing team!

3. Everyone was your Auntie

Your Auntie so and so who wasn’t really your auntie – just your mums friend. Too close to be called just a friend. Everyone in Glasgow had one of those.


4.Roll and Sausage

“Square or Links?” – The most important question you were asked, especially on a Sunday. Hungover or not, a fry up was always on the cards for a Glaswegian.

5. A Christmas tradition: Irn-bru Carnival

When you think of Glasgow at Christmas, you immediately think of the Irn-Bru Carnival – it was what you looked forward to the most during the holidays. The annual carnival opened almost 100 years ago and each year it keeps getting bigger and better! The sticky wall, Twister and the Dodge-ems are among a few of the favourite rides.


6. Weekends at the Barras

It was time for a new tracksuit, shoes or even a new carpet for your room. Or maybe your Granny just wanted a companion for her day out. Whatever the reason, the Barras was the place to be at the weekend.

7. First gig at the Barrowland

The Barrowland Ballroom, every Glaswegian has probably been here – whether they were born in the 40s, 80s or the 00s. It is one of our most famous venues. You never forget your first night queing under the bright lights of the Barrowland sign that brightens the East End of Glasgow.

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8. Ginger Bottles – huge money makers

Juice tastes better when it’s from the glass bottle – that is a fact. This might have been because there was sweet money to be made back in the day. A couple of glass bottles and you were in luck because they paid out 20p at a time. Back then this would buy you a treasure trove of sweeties from the Ice Cream van – 20p mixes, freddos and brain lickers to name a few.


9. The Bonnie Banks O’ Loch Lomond

You knew the night was coming to a close when you heard the first few beats of this tune. Played at the end of every birthday, wedding, school disco and funeral. It’s why every Glaswegian knows every word – and we can sing it while bouncing crazily with our family and friends.

10. View from the Kingston Bridge

The view of Glasgow from the Kingston Bridge, both famous and instagram-worthy; especially at sunset. Crossing this bridge each time you headed for Glasgow airport, often left you wondering why you are leaving this amazing city in the first place.


What do you remember from growing up in Glasgow? Tell us in the comments!

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