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15 Things You Need To Do In Limerick Before You Can Say You’re From Here

15 Things You Need To Do In Limerick Before You Can Say You’re From Here

Before you can truly say you're from Limerick, there are things you have to do and experience first! These are the top 15.

Limerick city, the home of sport, beer, and craic. Coming up to Limerick either for college or work will set you up with a whole new outlook towards life, in that it’s about living in the now, and enjoying every minute of it. But first, we should check the list of endeavours it takes to be truly part of the Limerick experience.

1. Get polluted drunk in the University of Limerick’s student bar

That goes without saying really, can’t beat a night in the Stables with pints for €3.

2. The stock embarrassing nightclub photo

Can’t even get shit-faced in peace without the photographer’s deliberate attempts to catch you at your most vulnerable in the aul Icon. Bastards.


3. Nearly knocking a young one to the ground for skipping the queue

It doesn’t matter if it’s at the bar toilets, the bar itself, the chipper, or a taxi, a girl who skips the queue is cruising for a bruising. Hoes.

4. Arguing with the barman over the price of your drink

€8.60 for a drop of vodka with watered down lemonade? I’d rather get inebriated on cheap spirits and lose my dignity beforehand, thank you very much.

5. The demonic hunger

It’s no secret that the aul drink tends to draw the hunger on you, and when it’s 2AM and the lights come on, pizza seems to be the only true thing about your night out. That, and the fact that the infamous Top Pizza blaring the tunes directly across the road from the aul Icon. Easy pickings sure.


6.Being under-age, despite being over-age

We’ve all chanced our arm at strolling into Nancy Blake’s for those deemed to be mature, with the bouncer throwing out the arm and barring entry. Being over 18 and under 23 is another hurdle to surpass. God loves a tryer and all that.

7. Deep internalised rage at public transport

Bus Éireann have a little habit of arriving at a time that is actually not scheduled at all, yet we still greet the drivers with a smile, and the ever-increasing bus rate, while the demons within are screaming.

8. Taking the trip to El Dorado (Penneys)

Well, obviously. Shoes and socks and leggings that I don’t need and cost €5? Damn straight. Need an aul top for the disco anyway. Walk away from anyone who says they’re not a fan of Penneys, you really don’t need that sort of negativity.


9. Chill-axing with a bitching session

Nothing like your gal pal, a hot drink, and a slice of cake to take the edge off after a shitty week. The Stormy Teacup is the spot for this, hidden down the alley beside Foxes Bow, has an array for different types of hot chocolate and home-made cakes. With an open-fire upstairs in the cosy café, and couches with blankets and shelves of books downstairs, it’s just bliss when you want to escape from stupid people.

10. Fancy foodies

Friday night and you feel it’s time to make an effort with yourself after going to work looking like a sloth all week. Fancy din-dins and cocktails are a must, with Marco Polo and its unreal deals. 2 courses and a cocktail for €10? Sure, what could go wrong?

11. Frugal foodies

That being said, it is Friday, and sometimes the money just isn’t there. Never fear though, Centra will always be on hand with the hot food deli counter, and the prized food of the gods, the humble chicken roll and Tayto crisps.

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12. Scouting out UL Gym

And absolutely hating it. Your fitness fanatic friend brainwashed you into attended a High Interval Training Class. You thought it would be great, because you wanted buns of steel. But now you’re in it, sweat is in your eyes and your mouth, your hair feels like it’s on fire, and you just want to collapse. And the best part is, when you wake up the next day, the agony of sore muscles impedes your ability to sit on the toilet. You then proceed to block your “friend” on all social media platforms, and order pizza.

13. Seeing the sights

That being walking along the gorgeous Harvey’s Quay along the River Shannon, especially in the evening when the lights are on, because during the day there’s quite a few seagulls and a copious amount of bird-shite to complain about. The Living Bridge out by UL needs to be walked on too, as the engineering of it makes it move slightly when the wind is strong. Living bridge is right.


14. Peeking into Ann Summers

Amazing how people aged between 18 and 22 get pure embarrassed regarding anything openly sexual, myself included. Ann Summers has the clothing and equipment for anyone who fancies recreating Fifty Shades of Grey, and people often are intimidated not just by the products, but the security man staring back out the front door at you.

15. Embracing the sport

Limerick and rugby go together like Redbull and Jagermeister. Munster Rugby has truly surpassed itself in the last few years, and Thomond Park will give anyone a buzz, regardless of interest.

So there you have it. Go forth and make sure to try at least 5 of these errands, and you’ll be pure Limerick in no time.

Do you have anything else that should be on the list of things to do in Limerick!? Share in the comments below!

Featured Image: weheartit