Categories: Entertainment

5 Things We’re Desperate To Find Out In Game Of Thrones Season 8

Game of Thrones season 8 is fast approaching, with the first episode ready to air on 14th April. The last season left many things unanswered and many fans were left wanting to know more. It’s been a two-year wait since season 7 and it’s about time that we find out who’ll be sitting on the Iron Throne and how the series will wrap itself up. It’s going to be a wild ride and hopefully, the grand reveals and revelations will leave us all satisfied.

If you’re not caught up to the series then I advise you to stay away from this article because – spoiler alert! You still have a month and a bit to catch up though, so why not binge the seasons just in time for the final installment of the series.

1. How do you kill an undead dragon?

Daenerys losing her dragon, Viserion, to the White Walkers was easily one of the most shocking scenes in the last season. But this left many fans wondering how someone can defeat a “White Walker dragon”. There are speculations that Drogon will be the one to fight Viserion due to their namesakes, as Khal Drogo killed Viserys with molten gold. But can Viserion be beaten by a regular dragon, or is dragonglass going to be needed in the picture? All I know is, the battle is going to be amazing.

2. When will Jon and Arya reunite?

The previous season was filled with great reunions and many played a big part in tying the story together. One reunion we’re still waiting for is Jon and Arya to meet again. It’ll perhaps be the most sentimental due to their close relationship at the beginning of the series. Jon was also the one who gifted Needle to Arya, her trademark sword throughout the series.

3. When and how will Jon discover his parentage?

Many fans, including myself, were hopeful that Jon would learn about his real parentage last season. It didn’t happen and instead, we were all gifted with the grand reveal – but now the question is when he’ll discover the truth. As it’s the final season it’s pretty much guaranteed that HBO will finally let Jon know the truth. I just hope that it’s within the first few episodes and not left to the end like last time.

4. Jon and Daenerys’ relationship

Unfortunately, it won’t be all happy days when Jon discovers who his real parents are. And this brings up a lot of questions surrounding his relationship with Daenerys… his aunt. The final episode of season 7 left things steamy and many people are wondering what all of this could lead to. There are speculations that they’ll have a child together despite Daenerys believing herself infertile. Though the initially unintentional incest can be a little off-putting, it’s known that Targaryens long practised incest to keep things pure. So who knows?

See Also

Many fans are also wondering if Jon will be able to ride a dragon in future episodes. With two dragons left alive, it seems plausible that one could become his partner in battle.

How will Daenerys react to his true identity too? Will she welcome having another relative and not being the last of her bloodline? Or will she view Jon as a contender for the throne?

5. Finally, who’ll be sitting on the Iron Throne?

Once it’s all done and dusted, we just want to know who’ll be left sitting on the throne. Game of Thrones is infamous for killing off characters, many of which when you least expected it, so it’s difficult to predict who will be left standing at the very end. There are key players and candidates, but honestly, part of me wants to see Tyrion get the recognition he deserves.

Are you caught up to Game of Thrones? What are you looking forward to and waiting to find out in the final season?

Featured Image Source:
Caitlin Jordan

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