10 Things To Do In Southampton When Broke AF

While your mates at uni in London may have a lot to gripe about: the insane amount public transport costs in London. Having to pay £2.50 for a bottle of water or a £20 entry fee for a club with suspicious sticky floors, it does not mean being a student in Southampton is without it’s financial hurdles. So, I decided to make a list of things you can do when your bank account is as empty as your ex boyfriends promises. Here are the 10 things to do in Southampton.
1. One word: Starters
You don’t have to pass on a night out with friends just because the last time a direct debit hit your account was probably the last time you started a uni assignment the night it was announced. You don’t have to splash your cash around to join in the fun. Getting a starter for yourself at a meal is cheap (most under £5) and means you don’t have to feel awkward while everyone else is tucking in. My personal favourites is the Pizza Spirale at Bella Italia and the BBQ chicken wings at The Scholars Arms. Try it, you won’t regret it!
2. Thrifting Never Goes Out of Style
So, yes. You can’t go to Topshop and go on a shopping spree. But you can still get a great outfit without pushing your account into minus. Rifling through the racks at charity shops might not be as glam and fun as the trendy styles at most mainstream high street stores but it’s more than possible to find your new favourite outfit at your local British Heart Foundation. It may require a bit more digging but you’ll be happy when you’ve found an entire outfit for under a tenner. (Just think about all the bragging you can do after).
3. Art is for Everybody
You don’t need to be in the nation’s capital to take part in cultural events. If you attend Southampton Solent you know that there’s something artistic always being created by the students there. All you have to do is walk past the Sir James Matthew Building to see the gorgeous work being put up through the window. Why not pop in and take part in what our community has created? You get to see some great art and support your fellow students AND save money. It’s a win, win, win situation really.
4. Park It
I know, I know. You’re not five years old anymore. But going to the park is a great way to get out of halls and meet up with your friends. And if you find a book on witchcraft perhaps you’ll be able to cast a spell that will mean it isn’t bucketing down with rain while you’re there.
5. Movie Night
No, I am not going to recommend you shell out a tenner for a movie that you may not even end up liking. But Solent University commonly puts on movies for just £4. Now, you have no excuse to not join in the discussion of how good Ryan Reynold’s abs looked in his latest flick.
6. House Party
When was the last time you went to a house party at uni that was fully catered with alcohol and food? Yeah, I can’t recall one either. Throwing a house party or a never ending pre-drinks get together is a great way to hang out with friends without breaking the bank. The “bring your own alcohol” policy was basically created for people who are perpetually skint but still want to have a wild night.
7. Game Night
We can’t have out of control parties every night of the week. I mean, let’s at least pretend we’re trying to make that 9am class. A game night is a fun alternative. Chances are you or someone you know has games of some sort. Whether that be Monopoly or Cards Against Humanity. Either way someone’s gonna get very over competitive and you’ll probably end up losing some of the pieces.
8. The Club Before 11 p.m.
If you’ve been a person over the age of eighteen in Southampton for more than thirty odd seconds you have heard the legend of getting let in free if you get to the club before 11pm. But as we all know, everyone takes an age getting ready. And even after we’re all ready pre-drinking just turns into drinking drinking and before you know it, it’s 11:30pm and Heather has thrown up in the park on the way to Switch. We’ve all been there. But how about this time we tell Heather to pull it together and get there quarter to eleven so you don’t have to beg your friend to cover your entry? You can do it. I believe in you!
9. Societies
Societies. You know you should join one. Not only do they only require a small joining fee of max £20, they often involve fun activities. There are societies to watch movies, to watch anime, to play sports. You can have fun and save money. That’s at least one night a week where you won’t be blowing cash to have fun.
10. Let the Music Play
You can’t buy those tickets to see those huge bands or groups on your budget. But you can enjoy the local music scene for £0. Mango hosts a late night jam session every Thursday and it’s free entry. As well as listening to amazing music and perhaps discovering a talented upcoming artist you can also grab food there before it all starts. And you already know how I feel about starters.
Let us know what you think about these things to do in Southampton! Drop us a line!!
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com