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Things To Do In Southampton On The Weekend

Things To Do In Southampton On The Weekend

Things to do in Southampton over the weekend are fun! Check out my list of Southampton recommendations for the weekend. Here's a Southampton weekend list!

Going to uni may mean we spend a lot of our time sleeping in, instead of stuff that gets us out and truly recharges us for the upcoming academic week. Without fail, here’s a list of fun things to do in Southampton.

1. Cinema

There’s hardly a better way to unwind and relax than throwing yourself into someone else’s story for a couple of hours. Southampton has numerous places where you can do this, one of the most popular (and recent) places being Cinema DeLux apart of Westquay Watermark which was completed earlier this year. The seats are plush black recliners so you can watch trashy comedies or action packed superhero films in style. And hell, you’re treating yourself. Watch both and make it a double feature!

2. Dance The Night Away

Sometimes with a week full of 9am lectures and pressure it’s just fun to dance and drink with friends. Luckily, the club scene in Southampton is vibrant. From the heavy hitters like Oceana to the smaller clubs like JUNK there’s no shortage of places to pop and lock.


3. Dine Out

Why not take the weekend to pig out? If you’ve got the cash, why not dine out for once instead of huddling in your house eating Chinese takeaway? Try different restaurants. The aforementioned Watermark is filled with different restaurants with different cuisine, from American to Greek. Be the bad ass who goes to every one or become the legend who tries all the ice cream in Sprinkles. Or just try, because you know, diabetes. Of course this is one of those things to do in Southampton.

5. Everything is Beautiful at the Theatre

For all you theatre nerds out there, going to the theatre may be your favourite mode of escape and relaxation. I mean, it’s hard not to be engaged when the story is happening live, right in front of you. Southampton is home to a wonderful vibrant theatre named the Mayflower which is in the town centre. The shows feature recognizable actors and entertainers such as Alexandra Burke. There is even an upcoming show of Legally Blonde: The Musical happening later this month. So, why not spoil yourself?

6. Take A Walk

While being at uni it can sometimes be hard to really engage with our surroundings outside of lectures and club nights and emergency trips to Primark for when your tights rip. The fact is, Southampton is beautiful, from the docks to the picturesque parks. Just taking in the beauty of the place you’re living can be a wonderful thing and deeply relaxing. I mean, when else do we have that sort of time as uni students?

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7. Shop

Southampton has many great stores, all easily laid out on the high street or in Westquay or Marlands. There exists endless places to get a new style. Some people find shopping therapeutic so ladies get out your wallets and in the words of Tom Haverford “treat yo self”.

Let us know what you think about these things to do in Southampton in the comments below!
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