Whether you love the early nights and cheesy tunes, hate the hills or the posh girl stereotype, here is a list of some of the things that will 100% happen to you at The University of Exeter.
No matter how much exercise you do, walking up cardiac or forum hill will never get any easier, and you will always get to the top sweating and out of breath.
It’s rubbish, you know it’s rubbish, everyone knows it’s rubbish, but somehow the call of that sticky dance floor and cheap VKs is far too strong.
You snooze, you lose.
And you will take them all to The Old Firehouse and proudly declare that The Leaky Cauldron was based on this infamous pizza pub.
And at least half of them will be shocked you don’t regularly shop at Waitrose.
We are deep rooted rivals for reasons which we will never fully understand. But Exeter is better, ok?
Exeter are famed for their early club nights, so where it might be a shock when you first arrive, you learn to secretly enjoy it because sleep is better.
Sports leggings are just so comfy, don’t judge us!
Whose stupid idea was 8:30am lectures? You might drag yourself to a few, fueled with enough coffee to kill a man, but eventually you’ll give up and hit the snooze button.
But no one ever cured a hangover with a green juice.
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