Life in the Real World

Things That Just a Bartender Can Understand

People bartending for different reasons: for passions and building a career in the field as well as for having the flexibility while they are studying or traveling. It could seem an easy job: pouring some beers, building cocktails, taking orders. However, the truth is that working as bartender is actually a demanding role that requires patience, kindness and the ability to make talks with whoever enters in your pub. Indeed, a bartender knows that he’s supposed to bear lots of s**t during his shift!

Here are some things that just a bartender can understand.

1. Listening to stories that he doesn’t care at all.

Sometimes talking with your customers could be very interesting. You can learn from their stories and having good and stimulating chats. However, some people often, too often, mix up the bar counter with a psychiatrist’s couch! So, the poor guy behind the bar will be obliged to listen to their problems without having a way out.

2. Sawing people sneaking drink into the bar.

Maybe you don’t realize guys, but also bartenders have eyes! If you don’t have enough money for buying drinks, just stay at home or in a park. As bartender, I really hate see people who drink their booze in my place. It’s acceptable being poor but, no, not rude! At least, do it in a smart way, without nobody could notice it.

3. Customers who question his knowledge.

There is nothing more annoying of someone who wants try to teach you how to do your job. Or of people who trust just your colleague who is busy or not present. I work here too, you know?! Just don’t guys, it’s not cool! Although some constructive critics are acceptable, keep for yourself your wikipedia lessons or suggestions. Cheers!

4. Getting stuck in a slow working shift.

As well as there are some nights so busy that you can’t breathe, sometimes some shifts seem to be without an end. A slow day is like a torture. In fact, after cleaning what it’s already cleaned, it’s hard to not think of all the things that you could be doing in that moment instead of standing behind the counter of an empty bar. On top of that, staying on your feet all night without moving is the worst thing ever!

5. Dealing with horrible customers.

“Make it strong!”, “What’s the cheapest things?”, “It’s my birthday can I have a free drink?”: these are the requests that more annoy a person behind the bar. For not talking about people who split a 7 pounds bill in 5 parts or rude customers who treat you like a servant. The fact that you are paying doesn’t imply being so pretentious and a**hole! If you didn’t know, now you do. And remember, the bartender you’re bothering has to still make your drinks!

6. Customers that use the only table of the room dirty.

I think some people have a subconscious attraction for dirty places or, maybe, just for being a pain in the arse! It’s statistically proven that if all the tables are cleaned except one, the 90% of customers will decide to sit in that messy one. For this, you will be obliged to leave the stuffs that you’re doing and rush for cleaning it as fast as you can while they are staring you with utter contempt.

See Also

7. People that whispering their order in a loud bar.

This is really a mystery of how works a human brain, one that we have to call back to life Freud for finding a solution! Guys, with all the efforts possible we can’t understand if you speak with a zero volume while there is a band playing or other customers loudly chatting, or if you make your order with an hand on your mouth. Pull out your voice!

9.  “I need to close”

If during the shifts a bartender can have heaps of difficult and painful moment, the worst part is always when he is about to shot the bar. People sipping their last drop of drink for ages, not even it was the last of their life! Group of people who deliberately ignore chairs over tables, no more music playing and all the lights on. Do you know what? Also bartenders have an home!

10. His night is gonna finish very late!

Even if the fatigue is high at the end of a shift, it’s really hard could sleep. Moreover, often, you are so full of the barbarities suffered throughout the night that you have to vent them till the bottom of a glass. Everybody had have fun and now it is, finally, your turn! A bartender night is easily going to finish in the morning, of course, it’s started late, very late.

Bartenders, do you have in minds other things which annoy you? Do you want to share some horrible bar experiences? Let me know in the comments below!

Featured Image Source:
Chiara Castro

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