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13 Things Only Those With Divorced Parents Will Understand

13 Things Only Those With Divorced Parents Will Understand

Growing up with divorced parents can be hard but it can also shape you into the person you are today. Check out our top ten things only those with divorced parents will understand here!

Growing up with divorced parents may not necessarily be the best thing in the world but it does have its benefits. Whenever I tell people my parents are divorced, they immediately sympathetically apologise. No trust me I’M sorry that you don’t get two Christmases and two houses, it’s me that should be apologising!

Nonetheless, those who come from a broken home are more than likely to be a lot stronger, independent and wiser than those whose parents are still together (or we could all be majorly fucked up and unable to obtain long-lasting relationships? who knows?)

With that being said here are 13 things only those with divorced parents will understand:


1.) Double The Presents:

Literally, every single holiday or special occasion (a birthday, Christmas, Easter etc) entitles us TWICE the gifts. That’s an extra Easter egg at Easter time, it’s an extra bottle of aftershave at Christmas time! I mean, with everything us kids from broken homes go through, it’s only right we get an extra present…

2.) “Sorry Sir, I Can’t Do P.E Today I Left My Kit At My Moms House And I Stopped At My Dad’s Last Night…” 

Let’s be real. Who hasn’t used their divorced parents as an excuse to not do something they’re supposed to? For me, it was always PE when I would whip out my broken home excuse. 

3.) When One Parent Says No, Ask The Other:

“Dad, can I get my nose pierced? No? Ok, that’s fine let me go ring my mom then.”


4.) Every Other Weekend Was A Pain, Especially If You Forgot Something At The Other Parents House:

This is super annoying. Especially if you ever forgot something really important such as notebooks or school work or your pair of straighteners… definitely straighteners.


5.) Playing Tricks On Your Parents’ New Partners for No Reason Whatsoever:

After watching the iconic noughties movie Mean Girls I was heavily inspired to swap my dad’s girlfriends face cream with foot cream… I still don’t know to this day if she ever knew it was me. 

6.) Parents Evening Was Always Awkward:

“Ok, mom? dad? Sooo, which one of you are coming to my parents evening?”


7.) Sleeping Out And Telling Both Of Your Parents That You’re Stopping At The Others:

This can either go extremely well and you’re able to pull it off or you can end up with your parents pretty much having a search warrant for you when in reality you were just at a house party.

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8.) Learning To Be Independent:

It wasn’t just Destiny’s Child that taught me to be strong and independent, I suppose I should give some credit to my parents.

9.) You IMMEDIATELY Related To P!nk’s track Family Portrait. 

“I don’t wanna split the holidays, I don’t want two addresses, I don’t want a stepbrother anyway and I don’t want my mom to change her last name.” 


10.) Two Houses Which Mean Two Potential Options For A House Party:

Unless they get back home early to find 150+ people in their house with god knows what happens in the bathroom… 

11.) It’s Strange Seeing Your Parents Date Somebody Else:

Are your parents happy? Yay! Stranger in the house? Nay.


12.) But Over Time You Learn That A New Stepmom Or Stepdad Isn’t Such A Bad Idea:

Especially if they’re actually alright and they’re nothing like the wicked stepmother in Cinderella or Meredith Blake in The Parent Trap.

13.) In The End You Know Everything Happens For A Reason:

How you feel about having divorced parents? Can you relate to any of these? Let us know in the comments below!

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