Dogs are an absolute life-changer, and they really complete a family and home. From unending affection and love, to playfulness and simple adorableness, they bring a unique element to the home that only pets can. Your life changes from the moment you bring that little furball into your home, and here are just some of the things only Dog Owners know.
Dog Owners know that as soon as you get a dog you will find dog hair absolutely everywhere. In the carpets, all over the furniture, on your clothes, and even in your food. It doesn’t matter how many times you clean the house and brush and groom them, you will never be free of the dog hair, or general dog mess. Black clothes are a thing of the past, and you’ll get used to apologising to others when they visit you and leave with a constant reminder of that little furball.
Before getting the dog you’ll likely put some preliminary rules in place. The dog isn’t allowed on the bed or other furniture, they won’t be fed too many treats or be given your food, etc. All these rules are great and seem easy, until you get the dog. You’ll find some morning dog cuddles irresistible and struggle against the force of puppy eyes. Dogs are incredibly good at breaking your resolve.
As soon as you get a dog your life tends to revolve around them. You become a Dog Owner. You have to consider when they need to be fed, taken out, you can’t leave them alone too long, you have to find out about dog-friendly places if you want to go out. None of this is necessarily negative, but it can make life just a little more difficult.
Dog Owners will warn you that it doesn’t matter how small a dog is, they will absolutely take over your house. From dog necessities and toys everywhere, to their ability to spread out over any comfortable space such as a bed or sofa, you will be very aware of your dog’s presence. They’ll kick you off the sofa and out of your bed and you will probably let them because you love them so much. It reaches the pinnacle of dog ownership when the dog has their own seat on the sofa and you and guests are forced to move for them.
Dog Owners know that you’ll never have a lonely meal again. Every meal time consists of avoiding the gaze of those puppy eyes which will break down your resolve before you can even begin to utter the word ‘no’. You’ll slowly get used to the constant feeling of eyes on you, and you’ll eventually learn to resist them. But those early days will be tough, and you’ll have to battle the urge to give your dog far to many lovely things.
Dogs take up most of your time and money. From all the money spent on food, toys, grooming, and vets, they’re certainly not cheap. They need constant care, love, and attention, meaning they’re by no means an easy pet. It can take a bit of time to get used to, but eventually they’ll seamlessly become attached to your life, and the reward of unconditional love and companionship beats all the possible negatives. You’ll soon find that you can’t imagine life without them.
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