Categories: Entertainment

15 Things Anyone Who Plays Kim Kardashian Hollywood Can Relate To

Kim Kardashian Hollywood came out five years ago in 2014 and is still a hugely popular game. It’s so fun to play and has a large and loyal following just like the woman herself. And us fans and players have become accustomed to so many things, some good, some bad, some hilarious. Here are 15 things anyone who plays Kim Kardashian Hollywood can relate to!

1. K Stars Are So Very Precious

They’re rare to come by, incredibly sparse and oh so precious. If you have K Stars the world is your oyster. You can replenish your energy, buy a plane and own the nicest clothes. We’ve all been in that dark place where we’ve caved and paid real money to buy some. And searched online how to get them for free. Yikes!

2. You Have About 10 Boyfriends and Girlfriends

The Kim Kardashian Hollywood world is full of good looking guys and gals. And the best part? You can date them all! There are no rules on cheating or polygamy, so get ready to be with them all and make your way up the top couple’s list.

3. Willow Pape Is Such a Bi**h

Every good story has a mean girl and Willow Pape is the queen of them all. She’ll constantly insult you and pop up out of nowhere when you least expect her. I mean as if you were going to steal Dirk Diamonds from her anyway! No chance, we wouldn’t want him anyway!

4. Cassio and Julio Are Unattainable Loves

Cassio, Julio, and many others are people you will meet on tasks, flirt with and fall in love with but then never see again! Do you have to be completely single to date them? A certain level? Who knows! If anyone has ever succeeded then please help us out and share how you did it.

5. Simon Never Leaves You Alone

Damn, Simon is the neediest agent ever! “Hey! It’s Simon calling. I have something for you,” or “Head down to my office.” No, Simon! I already have 50 million tasks you’ve given me and I can’t cope with anymore. Leave me alone!

6. $650 Vintage Wine Is The One

If you need to finish a date quicker or level up your relationship then we all know the place to go and what to do. You drive to Soho, book a table in Oak and drink many bottles of the vintage wine. You might be completely wasted from all the alcohol but your flirt game is on point and your partner loves it.

7. Ray Powers Is Either Your Best Friend or Worst Enemy

A tweet by Ray Powers is savage and honest. It can either boost your fans by a considerable amount or ruin your career. Best to keep on his good side!

8. Constantly Searching For Locations

I know I have an appearance at the Atlantean Hotel and Club Tulip but I have no idea where they are or how to get there. Thank god Google knows all the answers, right!?

9. Being Depressed You Don’t Own Those Outfits In Real Life

The reason we love Kim K Hollywood is that you get to live your best life and look gorgeous. We can only imagine what it would be like to own all those stunning designer dresses and shoes.

10. Waiting For Your Energy To Reload Is So Boring

Over 2 hours for your energy to entirely reload is too long and too tedious. Without the energy you can’t do anything and to be perfectly honest we all just find ourselves waiting for the new lightning bolt to appear.

11. You’re a Worldwide Celebrity Who Still Gets the Bus…

A car is so so expensive and we’ll never be able to afford one. I might be best friends with Kim Kardashian, have millions of followers but yes I still get the bus. One single ticket to The Hamptons, please.

See Also

12. If His Right Arm is Behind His Head, He Wants You

Because what else could be more obvious or romantic?

13. A Bra Is More Expensive Than a Flight

$975 for a pink bra and $35 to fly to Punta Mita makes total sense? Um no.

14. Being Dumped Over the Phone


15. Kim Is The Best

Kim Kardashian is the greatest best friend. If it wasn’t for her and her kindness we would still be stuck in So Chic. She’s so supportive and always giving the best advice. BFFL.

Kim Kardashian Hollywood is a game we love and can’t live without. We can only thank Kim Kardashian herself for making it!

What’s your favorite part of Kim Kardashian Hollywood? Let me know in the comments!

Featured Image Source:
Milly Cooper-Britland

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