15 Things All University Students Can Relate To

University can be the best time of your life. It is the time to make new friends, perhaps live in a new place and have a space to call your own. However great it is, it also comes with a new sense of independence which can be both amazing and daunting. For many, it is the first time stepping into adult life. If you go to university, keep on reading to find out 15 things all university students can relate to!
Packing to move:
When you are transitioning from your home to your university accommodation one of the toughest decisions is what to bring with you. Do you need 12 pairs of pyjamas and a completely new bedding set? Should you bring 12 pieces of cutlery and all of your shoes? You most probably fill up your small accommodation very quickly, but you convince yourself you need it all!
The constant tiredness:
At university, excepting tiredness is just a shared thing amongst you and all your friends, you have to get used to it. You either go out clubbing till 3am and don’t wake up till the afternoon and feel exhausted all day, only to repeat the cycle the following day. Yes, it’s a new cycle you will have to get used to.
No rules apply:
Compared to life perhaps at your family home, university follows a very different set of rules. It won’t be uncommon to see a friend make cereal at 2am or people not to wake up until 5pm. This will all become the norm after a while.
Funky food:
For many university students, it is the first time perhaps in your life that you have been in sole charge of your breakfast, lunch and dinner. You may yourself, or indeed see others having cereal for all three of those meals and no one will judge you for it.
The university group chat:
After a while, it is likely you and your course mates will start a group chat. Here you will discuss how stressed you are with upcoming deadlines and also if any of you are going to be at that 9am lecture. It will quickly become a place you look for reassurance from fellow course mates, if you choose to sleep into your lecture.
Never feeling completely chirpy:
At university, it is likely you will never feel completely tip top. On top of your tiredness, it is likely you will have many headaches from late nights or even dehydration. Not to mention a cough and cold from living with so many people and one too many night’s out. Lemsip and cough sweets will soon be your best friends, especially if you’re a fresher.
The change in teaching methods:
If you transition from college or a school where everything is very organised and time driven, university will be a shock at first. For one, you call your lecturers by their first name and secondly, you may spend some lectures hearing your tutors’ funny stories and trying to get the PowerPoint to work!
The clubbing scene:
Clubbing is a big factor of university life. If you choose to go out, it will not be a weekly or monthly thing like before university. Say hello to clubs on a Monday, Tuesday and well… every day of the week. It will soon be hard to say no when all your friends are telling you, “You can’t club on a Monday when you are 40” you will quickly be persuaded to forget your early start and go to the shop for some alcohol.
Money madness:
Yes, it is common knowledge that university students do not have any money. The small amount of money you do have, maybe from your loan, will be spent on pasta, own brand vodka and take away food from your lack of effort or enthusiasm to cook.
The ambience of new friends:
University offers you the first time of your life where you are perhaps living or working in a group with people from a wide range of cultures, ages and have different interests from yourself. It will be the chance to widen your friendship circle and make relationships you wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for university.
The madness of mess:
If you have a communal kitchen and bathroom it will become common knowledge that you can clean it and then Barry from down the hall will come and make pasta with sauce all over the oven and noodles all in the sink. You eventually learn to accept the mess that surrounds you
Friends becoming family:
Living with your friends means they become a second family to you. You eat, party and hang out together. They will become a new closeness of friend like you have never experienced before.
Nasty noise:
Living in student housing, comes with noise. People partying and shouting will be hard to get used to at first, but day time naps and ear plugs will soon become your best friend!
Pressure of deadlines:
If you have a deadline due or it is dissertation season, the library will become your new friend. Here you will spend many hours with your meal deal trying to crack out an essay in eight hours. You do not feel alone, as hundreds of other desperate students panic to do the same around you!
Subscription services:
Being at university, you may not have a TV. Netflix and amazon prime will quickly become your best friend and attract fellow flat mates to your room! This is something all university students can relate to!
Can you relate to any of these things as university students? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!
Featured Image Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/homework-paper-pen-person-267491/

I am a twenty year old university student at Southampton Solent. I am a lover of all things fashion, decor and beauty related!