
10 Things A Coventry University Student Will Never Say

As a student at Coventry University I’ve found that no matter what you study we all tend to have the same experience so here’s a few things you’ll never hear a student say at Coventry University.

1. Parking was so easy to find.

Either you’ve parked miles away from the uni or have extremely good luck because after 9 am most, if not all, of the parking spaces are gone. So, you end up spending a good 30 minutes (if your lucky!) wondering around trying to find a place. Oh, and lecturers don’t except this perfectly good reason for being late.

2. My lectures are amazing and so insightful.

Regardless of what you study, we all have that one lecturer that reads from the power point in a monotone voice and has you questioning whether to go to their lecturers for the rest of the semester.

3. I love having lectures at 9 a.m.

No, just no. Sure we could do this in college, but this is uni and 9am classes should just not exist.

4. I hope we get group coursework this semester.

All group coursework does is remind you why you prefer to work by yourself. You’re the Beyoncé of the group surrounded by Kelly’s and Michelle’s.

5. I look great in my student ID photo.

Anyone remember how the uni told us to upload our own photos for the ID, so we picked the pengest picture ever? Only to turn up for freshers week and have them take a super unflattering photo of you that’s going to follow you for the next 3 to 4 years.

6. The Welcome Centre was so easy to find.

Whose bright idea was it to have exams in a building no where near campus?

7. I grabbed some lunch from Costa. The queue wasn’t even that long!

To wait or not to wait – that is the question. Yeah, I’ll just turn up fashionably late to class. During lunch the Costa queue always leads out the store, and even though you know you only have an hour until your next class you join the queue anyway hoping that today it will go down quick. That never happens.

See Also


8. I’m going to take my attendance seriously this year.

Instead, you swipe your ID card when the lecturer has their back turned and run for your life. You never said you were going to stay there for the whole lecture.

9. I’m not going to spend all my student loan in one go.

Then every website seems to be having a student sale, all your friends want to go out and you want a take-away for breakfast, lunch and dinner. One week later…

10. The 9 grand I’m paying is so worth it!

Quickly into the first semester of our first year we all come to the realisation that 9 grand for uni is so not worth it and we’ve all been scammed.

Do you have any other suggestions for things you will never hear a student at Coventry University say? Share in the comments below!
Featured Image Source:
Anabel Monet


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