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These Are The 15 Best Things To Do At King’s College London

These Are The 15 Best Things To Do At King’s College London

Attending King's College London comes with a lot of different things that you should know as an incoming student. Here are some!

Welcome to King’s – a quirky and exciting university located in the heart of London. Despite the very low student satisfaction, it’s actually not a bad place to be; in fact, it can be pretty fun. After all, your university experience is exactly what you make of it. There are tons of fun things to do at King’s and it’s up to you to figure out exactly how you want to spend your time, but here are 15 of the best (or arguably worst) things to do at King’s College London. Feel free to add your own experiences to the list!

1. Cuddle with Reggie the Lion

Our beloved mascot is definitely one of the most adorable things about the university. Located on Strand campus, this cute sculpture will become a very familiar sight throughout your studies (unless you’re unfortunate enough to be at Denmark Hill). Remember that he’s unique to King’s and there is no other Reggie in the world!

2. Play hide and seek at the Maughan

This is probably not the best of ideas but it definitely is plausible, considering the ridiculously large and confusing nature of the Maughan, especially if you’re a fresher. It’ll take you quite some time to finally figure out its layout, which is why at first you may spend ages looking for a single book to take out.


3. Or maybe even spend the night there

Believe it or not, this has actually been done before and seems to have gone down well. The entire process was described in a Tab article, which you can check out in your own time. Bottom line is that pulling an all-nighter in the Maughan isn’t as bad as it sounds – the place even has a set of showers, so what more could you ask for!

4. Attend a UCL versus KCL varsity game

If you’re looking to get into a fight then a UCL versus King’s College London varsity game is probably where you want to be. Okay, I don’t mean a literal fight, but there is bound to be a lot of tension in the air and plenty of rivalry. The relationship between these two universities goes back a long way, which technically means that you’ll be a part of this history by attending one of these games.

5. Lament the loss of Waterfront

How is this fun, you may ask? Our beloved Waterfront is gone and there is no way of getting it back. But don’t worry, there is still hope for the Vault – all it needs is extremely sticky floors and lots of people ordering Snakebite to become the next Waterfront. It should also lack chairs so that there’s never a place to sit.


6. Visit the Chapel

King’s College has one of the most beautiful university Chapels that you should definitely pay a visit or two during your studies. I would highly recommend attending one of their services but if you’re short on time then simply pop in to have a look at it – you’ll definitely be blown away by its incredible beauty.

7. Complain about Brutalist architecture

This is especially relevant to those of you based on Strand. Despite the fascinating Chapel, the rest of the building isn’t really that attractive. In fact the Strand building is probably one of the ugliest university buildings in the entire country. A jarring example of Brutalist architecture, this is a place you’ll definitely learn to hate whilst you’re at King’s.

8. Become frustrated with King’s admin

I know that this list is slowly transforming into the 15 worst things to do at King’s, but unfortunately this will become a part of your life during your stay here so you might as well embrace it with a smile. You’ll soon become used to waiting for days or even weeks for admin and some of your tutors to respond to the most basic of emails. You’ll also start discussing this with your friends on a daily basis as there is no way of escaping it.


9. Check out the Gordon Museum of Pathology

On a not much brighter note, why not check out one of King’s very own museums? Just be warned that it’s not really for the faint of heart because it’s got some rather unsettling things on display. It’s in the name – this place is dedicated to everything abnormal.

10. Enjoy peaceful walks across Waterloo Bridge

Just kidding. It’ll be more like a scene from a survival movie where you struggle for your life against the battering wind. It’s especially painful during the colder months because the wind seems to carry tiny, piercing particles of ice in it. Enjoy all of those 9ams trying to make it to Strand from Southbank!

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11. Skate at Somerset House

This is easily one of the best thing’s to do as a King’s student – enjoy one of the country’s most beautiful ice rinks right on your doorstep! Sure, it may be a little bit crowded, but that’s where your hectic timetable comes in handy. You’ll be at an advantage because you can always squeeze in a skating session or two between your lectures.

12. Pretend that Somerset House is part of the university

The relationship between King’s and Somerset is somewhat complicated; it’s true that the law department resides in one of the wings but the rest of the building is mostly dedicated to various exhibitions. Either way, unless you’re a law student, you probably won’t find yourself ever needing to enter that gorgeous building, which is a shame.

13. Cry over London prices

This sounds terribly depressing but hey – at least you won’t be the only one at King’s College London feeling that heavy burden. Don’t worry, it’s not all that bad. Just keep reminding yourself that you’re studying at one of the best universities in the world and drown your sorrows in cheap pints at one of the college bars. At least there’s that consolation.


14. Join in the protests

King’s is one of those universities that likes to protest a lot. We’ve even had students lock themselves in some of the main offices to prove a point. It’s just something that we do so chances are you’ll get roped into it as well at some point.

15. Curse at the wifi

One thing you’ll come to realise very quickly is that the King’s College London wifi just doesn’t work. No matter how hard you try to connect to Eduroam, you will inevitably fail. This is why it’s best to get a sim that has lots of data because you’ll be needing all of it!

Have you done any of these things as a King’s College London student? Is there anything else that every King’s College London student does? Comment below!
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