If you’re planning on hosting a University party, you’re going to have to be prepared. While having thirty plus students in your house can seem like a great idea to begin with, when they arrive there’s a chance you’re going to start doubting your decision. With the right amount of planning not too much can go wrong, but if this is your first time as a host, here are some things you’ll need to survive (and make sure you have a great time, too!)
This might seem ridiculously obvious, but you might want to get some cups in. You’ve probably seen in American films that party-goers always have the typical red cups in their hands, so if you buy these the party vibe is definitely going to be there as soon as your guests walk through the door. You can buy them very cheaply, but don’t worry too much if you don’t manage to get some in time – at uni, people often either bring the drinks just as they are or fill up their water bottles with their chosen alcohol before they come.
It’s completely up to you, but you might want to supply some drinks – if you do, people are guaranteed to love you. I’d avoid splashing out too much because the more you supply, the more likely people will be throwing up in your bathroom after an hour, but you might want to buy in bulk some cans or some packs of beers. Not only will people think you’re very generous, but you’ll also be prepared yourself if you decide you want to let loose a little. It’s always a bonding experience doing shots as a big group!
Music is an absolute must. The music you play at a university party can really determine how much of a success it is, so make sure that your playlist is varied! Unfortunately, if you’re a fan of Frank Sinatra or spend your time listening to classical music, you might have to put your own tastes aside in order to cater for the stereotypical uni student. Your safest bet is to go for whatever’s in the charts at the moment, or maybe you’ll want to mix it up a bit with some house or drum and bass. If you’re feeling particularly generous, you may even let people take it in turns to put on something of their liking!
Of course, you can’t have music without some really good speakers. You don’t have to spend a lot for it to be good – I bought mine in Sainsbury’s for a bargain and many people have commented on how good it is considering its small size. We’re all uni students here, so no-one’s going to judge you on how good your equipment is – as long as it works, that’s all that matters.
If you’re the sort of person to go a bit too hard on the drink, you’re going to need to prepare for the morning after. One friend once told me that he puts a glass of water by his bed ready for when he’s feeling rough the next day, as well as a few snacks for when the inevitable hunger kicks in. Having both of these ready and a paracetamol to cure your headache will ensure you’re feeling yourself again in no time.
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