There comes in time in life for all of us when we need to compile a playlist of ultimate dance songs for all the times when we feel like letting go and dancing the night (or day) away! This isn’t always easy though, as there is a whole sea of music out there to choose from. That is why I have compiled a list of the ultimate dance songs that you need on your playlist!
Everyone’s favourite Abba song is a definite winner in this category, and with a title like that, it’s not surprising! This is a true classic that appeals to everyone – young or old, Male or Female.
Although Whitney Houston has unceremoniously left us, luckily her fabulous music hasn’t! Being an energetic, 80’s crowd-pleaser, it is easy to see why this song made Whitney Houston a star. This song is just perfect for the days that you want to rock out while jumping up and down on your bed; a real feel-good number!
Who doesn’t love listening to a bit of Queen B every now and then? This is one of those songs that feels as though it’s been around forever, that everyone knows. With its upbeat instrumentals and powerful vocals, it’s one for when you’re feeling a diva dance!
Who can resist Ed Sheeran’s smooth, melodious voice and angelic charm on a Friday night? If you’re feeling a slow, sexy dance number, then this is the song for you!
This is a real feel good song. Granted, the lyrics don’t necessarily make a lot of logical or practical sense, but as far as mindless dance goes, this is a good thing! You can really lose your inhibitions with this one and move in whichever way the music tells you to!
This song does what it says on the tin; it’s great for those lazy days when you just need something to get you out of bed and moving.
If you’re craving an adrenaline pump, dance party extravaganza, then look no further! This song has got me up and moving even in the worst, most depressing of times, and undoubtedly it will do the same for you! You simply can’t go wrong with Queen!
I recall when this song was first released when I was a teenager; everyone in school became instantly obsessed with the subtle steel-pan sound and easy to follow, urban dance moves featured in the video – we all wanted to join in! Old is gold as this is one to blast at a party with friends, coupled with the dance moves, to loosen everyone up and get the laughs going!
As far as ultimate dance songs go, Mika’s Grace Kelly must have a place on the list! If you’re experiencing a creative block or feeling uninspired about life, pop this one on and shake it off!
Speaking of shaking it off, how’s Taylor Swift’s ‘Shake it Off’ for a fun dance number? This song has a cool, contemporary vibe that is so addictive and fun to move to!
On the topic of ultimate dance songs, if you want to throw a romantic dance song into the mix at some point, then this is the perfect romantic classic to sway to along with that special someone!
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