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The Top Travel Products That Will Have You Saying Goodbye To Plastic

The Top Travel Products That Will Have You Saying Goodbye To Plastic

Here are some great travel products that are not only convienent, but also eco-friendly. Do your part to help the environment with these travel products!

Although we all love a good holiday, finding the right travel products can certainly be a hassle. Travelling can harm the environment from aviation emissions to the paper and plastic used on the sticky things they put on our suitcases that we all throw away. The disposable plastic products we use also contribute to the trail of damage we leave behind. When going on your next trip, invest in travel products that will have you saying goodbye to plastic, and hello to less pollution.

Plastic-Free Shaving

Plastic-free razors were once a thing of the past, but now you could bring them back to the present. Disposable razors are both most expensive in the long run, as you’ll end up buying more than a hundred in your lifetime if you buy them consistently, and they take unreasonable amounts of time to decompose in landfills. Astra or Shark razors can be packed into your bag to reduce the amount of plastic you take with your on your travels or keep in your bathroom. Here’s a great option for eco-friendly travel products that will keep you silky smooth during those tropical holidays!

Keep Your Clothes Dry And Your Luggage Plastic Free

When going to the beach you’ll probably grab a spare Tesco carrier bag to shove your wet swimsuit into after a dip in the sea. By the end of your holiday, you’ll have a bundle of soggy bags you need to chuck, and a guilty conscience. Planet Wise wet bags are a type of wet bag that are leak free and look cute enough to take with you on your travels.


Bring Your Own Bottle

Water, not beer. When on your planes, coaches and hikes the thirst can get overwhelming, and it’s terribly tempting to grab cool bottled water from a corner shop, but the effect of all those bottles on the earth can be overwhelming too. There are plenty of places to fill up your stainless steel or reusable plastic bottle, which will save on waste and money.

Reusable Cutlery For Meals On The Road

Street food in Thailand or Bangladesh is both delicious and super convenient to grab on the road, but the amount of plastic wasted isn’t as tasty a thought. Bamboo cutlery or steel cutlery can be neatly packed away into your rucksack and doesn’t have to go in the bin afterwards.

Take Away The Goods

Generous portions around the globe are a blessing, but when you’re too stuffed for seconds, the food waste seems such a shame. Invest in a trendy colourful tiffin and you can save the rest of your meal for later without taking a plastic container from the restaurant.

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Don’t Buy Into The Gimmicks

Some bits and bobs are essential on journeys, like headphones, earplugs, eye masks and a blanket if you don’t want to end your flight sleepy and grumpy. If you bring your own in a handy zipper bag, you won’t have to take ones from your airline that you’ll inevitably through away, saying goodbye to excess plastic.

Many Minis, Not Much Waste

Mini glass storage bottles are hygienic and convenient for storing your shampoo, conditioner and soap without buying lots of unnecessary mini plastic containers. They tend to fit a lot better in your makeup case too. These will come in handy, and are great travel products, especially if you’re a makeup junkie!


These products are great for saving on the plastic you’ll use. Which of these travel products will you take on your next trip? Let us know in the comments below!

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