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The Top Scandinavian Brands To Be On The Lookout For

The Top Scandinavian Brands To Be On The Lookout For

Here are the top scandinavian brands that are trending that you just have to try. This style will give you the Scandinavian look your looking for.

The Scandinavian fashion craze is slowly taking over all of our social media pages, especially after the Copenhagen Fashion Week that took place earlier this month. With so many incredibly innovative and daring looks emerging from Denmark and other neighbouring countries, we can’t overlook these new styles that will inevitably make their way to the rest of the world. We’ve put together a list of our top Scandinavian brands that you have to be on the lookout for if you want to stay on top of the latest fashion trends.

1. Holzweiler

An exciting combination of classic beauty and progressive fashion trends, Holzweiler is one of our favourite Scandinavian brands that you should definitely check out. Their unique style will add flair and colour to your wardrobe, making you feel on top of the fashion scene. Through collaborations with contemporary artists from all over the glove, this brand has managed to create the perfect aesthetic to fit modernist trends.

2. By Timo

This all-women top Scandinavian brands fashion label is absolutely to die for! Focusing on colourful print dresses (besides other items), this brand promotes awareness of female beauty and aims to create clothing with integrity. All of their prints are absolutely unique, which means that you’ll be treating yourself to an exclusive garment that is a great pleasure to wear. By Timo’s attention to detail and quality is definitely worthy of your attention.


3. Little Liffner

Don’t let the price tag make you weary – this incredible accessories brand prioritises quality over everything else. If you’re looking for a luxurious bag that you can rock with a street style, then Little Liffner is definitely your go-to fashion label. By uniting Scandinavian practicality with Italian craftsmanship, this Stockholm brand creates irresistible bags that allow their wearers to project their very own unique style onto them. This way you will feel empowered without having to worry about being defined by the brand that you’re wearing and losing yourself in its shadow.

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4. Just Female

A contemporary and innovative top Scandinavian brands, Just Female aims to create easy-to-wear clothing that can be worn anytime. Their aim is to break established boundaries and stereotypes by producing garments that don’t limit their users to a particular time or season. With a focus on freedom of choice, this fashion house is definitely one of our favourites that we recommend you check out. Who would say no to clothing that helps you express your individuality?


5. Weekday

In our day and age mindfulness is an important part of every movement, which includes the fashion ones. Weekday embraces this attitude by paying close attention to sustainability as they create clothing that is fashionable without being detrimental to the environment. Their style balances somewhere between femininity and masculinity, which is perfect for the modern day scene. A streetwise brand that helps you make a statement, Weekday certainly deserves a place in your wardrobe.

Which of these top Scandinavian brands speaks to you the most? Do you have any other ideas for stunning pairing to go with these styles? Let us know below!

Featured Image: Weheartit