The Swim Trunks Women Want Guys To Wear

I speak for pretty much every woman out there when I say skin-tight short speedos are a major turn off. Yes, your man may have a big package but do you really want every girl in that pool to see that too? Sorry guys, but unless it’s for sport and you really want to impress your woman, you will need to stick to the usual baggy swim trunks.
Men always forget how much women appreciate every little detail that goes into what they wear which is why they get their girl to dress them 98% of the time. With that in mind, instead of giving you swimming trunk styles in which women want men to wear I will be giving you what prints and colours us ladies would like to see our men rocking.
So, if you’re a guy reading this and you’d like to catch your woman’s attention, take my advice.
1. Blue and White Pinstripe
I can’t be the only one who thinks that blue and white pinstripe screams the beach so I couldn’t miss it out of this list; imagine your man with a fab tan and these light-shaded shorts that’ll compliment it a lot… You’re welcome. No matter if it’s a pinstriped shirt, shorts or even swim trunks a man will always look fire when you’re away in the sun.
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2. Floral
Why is it that we love floral print on guys? It’s almost like we’re happy he’s in touch with his feminine side because he still looks sexy af. You guys just have to be careful with the colour palette on this one… there’s being in touch with your feminine side until you’re wearing bright coral flowered swimmers.
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3. Tie Dye
Tie Dye effect is always a good shout. Even though tie dye t-shirts are so 2010, we would still like to see your tooshie covered in it. You can find some really nice, flattering colours for your skin tone’s too and we’ll appreciate the 10/10 effort you have gone into even more so.
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4. Calvin’s
We are all suckers for men wearing their Calvin Klein underwear so we do not want you to stop there! Calvin Klein swim trunks will look just as good and your man might feel pretty slick in them too.
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5. Extravagant
I have mentioned the main prints that we want to see on men’s swim trunks, except for the ones that are a bit more ‘out there’. Sometimes being a bit more extravagant with bright colours, paisley prints or even a vintage looking pattern will definitely catch a women’s eye more than once.
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6. Grey
I’m sure all men know how much us girls die at the sight of a man in grey joggers and we will probably have the same reaction to a guy in grey swim trunks and all. These will look good on any man so here’s your fail-safe boys.
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7. Camo
We all know men love wearing camo joggers, hoodies and even trainers and we are all living for it. If that’s the closest we’re gonna get to an army hunk then we can definitely settle; especially if you keep up the good work and wear camo printed swim trunks as well.
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