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The Struggles Every Third Year Will Totally Understand

The Struggles Every Third Year Will Totally Understand

Being a third year is when things get tougher and the work load gets larger. If your a third year student you will totally understand these struggles.

Don’t get me wrong, university are the best years of your life, there’s no doubt about that. From partying to making friendships that will last a lifetime – its all fun and games until the real work starts. First year might be a doddle; second year may be testing. But third year, third year is a whole different ball game. Here are some struggles that a third year will understand.

1. No Sleep

As you endeavour into your third year at university (and the toughest year of your life), one things for sure, prepare for the lack of sleep. Actually, lets not sugar coat it – prepare for no sleep. The dreaded ‘all nighters’ are fundamental to your third year experience. Whether you keep on top of your work load or you leave it until the last minute – they are simply unavoidable.

2. The Library Is Your Second Home

As the deadlines get closer and the pressure piles on, the library becomes your second home. You spend so much time at university that you forget it isn’t actually your home. Home is merely a distant memory. I mean, why not just move in to the library?


3. At Least Three Breakdowns A Day

We all have those days; you know the ones I mean? Where you literally cry at a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. You open the fridge to realise your flat mate has drunk the last of the milk and you just cannot hold back the tears. It literally feels like the end of the world. If there’s one thing to prepare yourself for it’s having breakdowns on the regular. I don’t know, maybe three a day? Two if you’re lucky. And no, this is not an overstatement. If third year teaches you one thing, its how to pick yourself up and dust yourself off.

4. Not Having A Social Life

Work hard, play hard? Absolutely not. You can forget your social life, in fact, forget that you even had a life at all. When it comes to deadline day, you effectively lose your mind. On the odd occasion you find that you are actually talking to yourself…out-loud…in the library – but some how this is normal? You even catch other people doing it too.

5. Coffee Is Your Best Friend

You’ve got to get energy from somewhere, and with the lack of sleep you find yourself craving a constant pick-me-up. You finish one and you instantly need another, you don’t want to risk the possibility of falling asleep on the person next to you (trust me, it is a possibility). You drink so much coffee that you may as well be an extra hot skinny latte.

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Are you moving in with student housemates? Here are a few things you might expect when moving with new flatmates that can drive you crazy!

6. You Wanted To Drop Out Every Week

We all have those moments where we just can’t do it anymore. You know, those moments where you just want to give up? During your time at university, and especially with the strain of third year, you will doubt yourself and all of the decisions you have ever made. Hate to break it to you but these moments will probably happen on the weekly.

7. You Know Longer Want To Be Whatever You Graduate In

When you begin university you are excited, eager and enthusiastic for what the future may hold. You’re starting a new chapter, everything is in place and you’re on your way to be whoever it is you want to be. You’re two years in and your motivation is at an all time high. How long does this last you may be wondering? Let’s give it, oh I don’t know, three weeks into third year? Oh, how naïve we were!


Have you got any third year struggles? Let off some steam and tell us in the comments below.

Featured Image: Weheartit