The 6 Stages Of Trying To Lose Weight

The time has come. You decided that for whatever reason you need to just shave off a few pounds. You find a diet or lifestyle change, a workout routine, start meal prepping all of your salads and falafel and promise yourself to drink more water, but it’s not always that easy. Here are the 6 stages of trying to lose weight:
1. The plan
Tomorrow is a new year, or a new week, or something along those lines. Summer is approaching and you’ve decided that you just can’t bear another year of all your skinny friends looking gorgeous while you feel crappy. So you decide that just a little trim and tone is the trick, just to get to the stage where you are oozing with confidence. Nothing too extreme or brutal, just 5 pounds or something will make the world of difference, right?
2. The first day
You wake up feeling refreshed, you may have prepped your meals, and you go into your day optimistic and enthusiastic. You start off with your green tea (which tastes SO great, right?) and do some yoga before walking to work with your mason jar salad in hand. You proudly tell just about everyone about the new you and how you don’t even like cake anymore. You finish feeling a little angry but ultimately like this is the start of something wonderful.
3. The end of the week
Everyone wants after-work drinks. And you…can’t. If you down 500 calories of wine then you technically can’t fit dinner in, which is absolutely not an option. But you treat yourself to a small glass when you get home and remind yourself that you can sip all the cocktails you want when you’re a supermodel on a yacht somewhere. Maybe you also have a bite of chocolate or two…you have been so good, after all.
4. The tiredness
The meal prepping, the exercise, the extra-early wake ups. It all takes its toll and eventually you just have an overwhelming feeling that you need sleep. Again, you remind yourself that all of the gurus say that the first week or two is the hardest, after which the healthy and fit lifestyle becomes a way of life and you won’t find it even remotely difficult anymore!
5. The substitutes
All you want is a pizza. But you don’t feel like you can have a pizza. So you google ‘under 500 calorie super cheesy pizza’ and go to the first option. When you discover it’s made of cauliflower, barely any cheese and is half the size of a normal pizza. But surely it will fill that gap, right? So then you spend 3 hours making your tiny pizza bite and question if it was all worth it, but also try to savor that reduced fat mozzarella cheese for all that it’s worth.
6. The Epiphany
This is when you realize that everybody is a beach body and that you don’t have to look like every other person out there to look and feel beautiful. You find a few inspirational people like Jameela Jamil to follow and begin to realize that you really really don’t need that toxic diet shit in your life. It feels so refreshing, so then you just turn to try to convince the world!
So there are the 6 stages of trying to lose weight. Easy, hard or somewhere in between, we’ve almost all been there! What were your experiences? Let us know down below! Also, remember that you absolutely don’t need to lose weight to be beautiful, you are gorgeous just as you are!
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Hi! My name is Ellie and I live in London. Currently in university studying journalism, I love all things writing and theatre and spend a lot of my time seeing shows on the West End.