Working part-time alongside your studies is essential for some people to have extra cash, after all, it’s only temporary. A part time job is typically a preferred stepping stone in order to make money whilst you study to get the qualifications and experience you need for a profession you’d like to go into. Although, there are certain things that working in a café doesn’t prepare you for. Here’s some of the shit a cafe assistant has to put up with.
The putting money on the counter instead of in the server’s hand. Not only do cafe assistants find this rude, it is annoying having to stretch over the counter to get the money. It is especially rude however when the server had their hand waiting for the money. When you do this, you are more likely to receive your change back in 1ps and 2ps.
When customers walk away before you’ve had the chance to ask them whether they would like their receipt or not.
After making a hot drink for a customer, they go and sit down and leave their drinks on the table whilst they chit chat amongst themselves and do their work. Then after realising that they’ve left their drinks for too long and it’s now cold, they come back over to you and tell you their drink is cold and would like a new one. Well when it was made, it was hot.
The table number is essential for receiving your food, so that the waiters and waitresses can see which food belongs where. When you have been given a table number, stand it up on your table so the server’s can see that food is supposed to be coming to you. Otherwise you cause inconvenience by making people have to search for you.
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