
The Perfect Books To Read When You’re Heartbroken

Books are such a significant part of life, in so many ways. They are often the basis of great movies, fascinating topics of conversation, to get the emotions flowing when you’re in the mood for the feels, or simply to help you forget about real life and immerse yourself into a fictional world. Books have a way of helping you through tough times, like a long-lost friend, who urges you forward in life. Whether like me, you like to fuel your heartbreak through reading emotional fiction books, or you prefer upbeat non-fiction book to help you get back to grips with reality, here are the perfect books to read when you’re heartbroken!

1) Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice

If like me, you like to resign yourself to the feels and feed the heartbreak in order to ultimately beat it, then you might want to pick up a good old classic such as Pride and Prejudice. While this novel teeters around ideas of classic romanticism as opposed to heartbreak, the themes and characteristics found in the novel such as strength, self-worth, and dignity align perfectly with the notions you should dance with when you’re heartbroken. This, along with the beauty of the romance in the novel makes a great read to allow you to embrace the feels!

2)  Helen Fielding: Bridget Jones’s Diary

Sticking to the theme of Pride and Prejudice, this delightful re-imagining of Jane Austen’s classic, is all about a young woman navigating through every aspect of her life and relationships in the best way she can – as we all do, particularly during times of heartbreak! This version may be more appealing to the modern mindset and lifestyle than its classic counterpart; it’s so relatable and wholly entertaining! It’s definitely a great book to read when you’re heartbroken!

3) Candace Bushnell: Sex and the City

Everyone in the western world has heard of Sex and the City, but more people think of the tv series than they do the book when the title is mention. This delightful anthology, which was first published in the nineties, is a fantastic insight into sex, relationships and lifestyle in a beautifully candid way. Like Bridget Jones’s Diary, the relatability and realness of this book make it a great read if you’re feeling ruddy and wish to feel as though you’re speaking to a friend, or someone to share your feelings with. Unlike the TV series, this book is a lot more pessimistic, so it makes a great read if you want to indulge in your heartbreak!

See Also

4) Hugh Willbourn: I Can Mend Your Broken Heart

If you’re after a sensible non-fiction book to tide yourself over during heartbreak, then you’ve found what you’re looking for! The mantra is simple and effective: ‘understand emotional healing* make crucial connections between key events in relationships and achieve a new understanding of love* change bad habits and eliminate destructive emotional patterns* open the door to a new love’. This is a self-help publication that can only hit the right spot if you’re looking to recover from heartbreak with the help of professional guidance and advice.

5) Dr. Guy Winch: How to Fix a Broken Heart

With a title like this, one can certainly attest that this is THE book to read if you’re suffering from heartbreak. It explores the emotions relating to heartbreak – allowing the reader to feel less isolated in their experiences – and focuses on how, why and what emotions we experience during heartbroken, using scientific studies. This well-researched book is the perfect guide for how to move forward after a breakup!

What books do you like to read when you’re heartbroken? Tell us in the comments!

Featured image source:
Surura Patel

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