The Most Useful Stationary Equipment You Need For University

Now a lot of the time before you head off to university, you don’t actually know what equipment you will need to bring with you. Some people over do it and buy too much unnecessary stationary and others don’t buy enough. So I’ve made a list of the most useful stationary equipment that any university student should have regardless of year or subject.
Pens and pencils
This may seem obvious to many people but you’d be surprised how many people walk around without a pen at university and ask to borrow one off of someone else, don’t be that person! Have pens and pencils, preferably black ball point pens because that’s the pen you will need for exams.
A4 lined notepads
It’s a good habit to keep lined notepads handy at all times regardless of where you are, you never know when you’re going to be inspired and need to write something down. You may have a laptop to type your notes down but you can’t go wrong with a notepad.
A4 binders
To keep organised for each term, get some A4 binders to separate and categorise your work.
Highlighters are useful for making those small relevant pieces of information within a long written core text stand out, so you can go straight to that info when you need to find it. This is much easier than having to read through the entire text again.
Post-it notes
These are your friends; they help you remember things. Make use of them and stick them everywhere!
To ensure you remember when your deadlines are, it is good to have some sort of calendar so your deadlines are visible and you can see how far you are from them. This helps you to structure and organise your work load.
Paper clips/Staplers
Paper clips and staplers are other friendly tools for organising your work in your binders. It just helps to add some structure to your documents.
Are you going to pick up any of this stationary equipment? Let us know in the comment section below!
*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.
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