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The Major Benefits Of Quitting Smoking

The Major Benefits Of Quitting Smoking

Quitting smoking is a challenge, but there are so many benefits that come with it. Here's a list of all the reasons you should quit!

Let’s face it nobody enjoys being a smoker. For most people taking a drag of a cigarette is nothing but a bad habit. It’s often used as a form of stress relief, it gives a feeling of fulfilment as we light up and smoke, but is it really worth it? Quitting smoking is one of the best decisions you will ever make and here are the 3 key reasons you be quitting smoking today!

1. What you could buy

Cigarettes are very expensive, a packet of Marlboro Gold can set you back by £12! You could be spending you money on other things.  An average smoker has at least one pack a day. This equates to £84 a week. Most people who buy cigarettes see it as an essential and therefore don’t question the price. You have worked hard for your money!

The minimum wage in the U.K for people aged 25 and over is currently £7.83. This means you have to work for over one hour before you can even afford to buy a pack. If you look closely at these comparisons, you will quickly realise you are wasting your hard earnt cash.


One month of not smoking- You have spent roughly £336, for this amount of money you could buy a return flight from the U.K to Thailand.

One year of not smoking- You have spent roughly £4,032, with this money you could buy a small car.

Two years of not smoking- You have spent £8,062, this could be the start of a deposit to buy a house.


Now these comparisons may not work for everyone, but you can see my point right? Think about what you would buy with that extra cash!

2. Your overall health

As a smoker you probably find you’re not very proactive when it comes to exercise. You dread any form of cardio, sometimes a smoker can even find it difficult to walk up a flight of stairs. If you find yourself struggling then it’s time to quit. After just one week you will find yourself breathing and feeling better. There’s no denying that your health is at serious risk if you are a smoker.

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There are short term effects such as the famous smokers cough, very irritating and most definitely unattractive, but what about the more serious illnesses? It’s written all over the pack, the risks of cancer and other diseases, yet people still continue to smoke? If you quit now you could save your life from being cut short. Another things to consider is that you will be putting a stop to second hand smoke, so the people around you will no longer have to suffer. If looking after your own health is not a priority then think about your family and friends, this should be an incentive for anybody.

3. Your appearance

Everybody knows that smoking ages the skin. Most of us fear the idea of growing old and loosing are looks, so why would we knowingly speed up the process? Of course this change in appearance doesn’t happen overnight, so many of us tend to overlook the effects and think we will worry about them later, but what if it did happen instantly?

What if every time you smoked a cigarette you noticed a line in your forehead, or you instantly developed the very unappealing “cat mouth”. I’m pretty sure that if this was the case most people would put the cigarette down immediately.  Smoke doesn’t just ruin your skin, it can also stain your teeth, cause yellow fingernails, dark circles and thinning of the hair. If you want to maintain your appearance then it is imperative that you quit smoking.

What do you think are some benefits of quitting smoking? Tell us in the comments!
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