The Guide To Dealing With Toxic Family Members

It’s no secret that we all have some crazy and sometimes toxic family members. Whether you’re from a larger or smaller group, we’ve all dealt with a plethora of personalities when it comes to family gatherings. Although at times it can feel exhausting managing all the different moods of your family tribe, here’s a guide to make the process not only a little easier, but enjoyable.
Laugh it off
When your mom or grandfather make that embarrassing comment, try not to take it too personally. Using humor as a coping method is always a viable option because at the end of the day your family loves you no matter what silly things are said.
Have a wing man
If you’re nervous about seeing a family member you’re not specifically close to, having a wing man is always a good idea. Whether that’s bringing along your best friend or partner, a wing man serves as a defense mechanism, as well as a source of reassurance during those uncomfortable moments.
Stand your ground
Remember to stand up for yourself when feeling vulnerable around more toxic family members. The more confident and self-aware of your feelings you are the better; don’t let anyone bring you down.
Keep it neutral
If you know that specific conversations with certain family members never go well, try to avoid those topics. Keeping the conversation to a minimum, such as small talk, is a perfect method for minimizing confrontation. Don’t ignore them, but rather ask how they’ve been and move on. Keep it short and sweet.
Remember they are still your family
Although it’s hard to get along with everyone, family is a different exception. Toxic or not, you can’t choose your family, so rather than harboring feelings of dislike, try to transform those emotions into acceptance. Your family can be your greatest support system if you work on healing those tougher relationships.