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The Cutest Desk Accessories To Keep You Organized And Stylish This Year

The Cutest Desk Accessories To Keep You Organized And Stylish This Year

These adorable desk accessories are going to help in keeping your desk both clean and cute! Check out some of our favourites!

For a lot of you, it is drawing closer to that dreadful time of year when school/university is opening and I’m going to assume that most of you haven’t really begun preparing, I mean who would when Netflix is so obviously the better option? But all jokes aside, we’ve decided to gather the cutest desk accessories to show you that you can be organised throughout the year while also staying stylish.

Switch things up with a Cute Mouse Pad.

We all know that spending time at the desk can often mean using your laptop for either research or essay writing. Regardless, having a cute mouse can style things out a bit and make a big difference. Of course, this one is for those of you who use a computer.


Accessorise with Pen Holders.

Why not style things out with these rose gold marble accessories that are great for holding your pens or even makeup brushes. This will help keep you organised and prevent having to frantically search for a pen whenever you need one. It is also really cute.

Tell The Time With a Cube Clock.

When you’re sitting at your desk, it is always better to have easy access to the time. This click cube clock allows you to see the time on your own terms. Simply click your fingers or tap the desk and the time will appear!

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Decorate Your Wall with Clipboards.

This a really good DIY idea for motivating yourself to work harder. Simply buy some clipboard with uplifting messages printed on and decorate on your wall. Here’s an example.


Get a Desk Pad Calendar

If you’re feeling a little creative why not buy a desk pad calendar and decorate it yourself? This will mean you won’t forget any important days and will remember in an uplifting fashion. This one is great for those with a lot of deadlines throughout the year.

What are your favourite cute desk accessories? Let us know in the comments!
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