There is no pain quite like a heartbreak. It can be devastating and all-consuming, leaving you a bit of a wreck. You’ve listened to Dua Lipa – you haven’t picked up the phone, or let them in, and you’re definitely not about to be their friend. But what comes after the three rules? How do you move on? Here’s my breakup advice, from me to you, that will really help you actually get over them for good.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise, but stalking your ex on social media is not healthy. Instagram, Twitter and Facebook never show a true representation of someone’s life anyway, and it’s just gonna make you feel rubbish, no matter how tempting it may be. Delete them, block them – at least hide them from your news feed. Cleanse your life of that negative energy!
If you really want to get over them, this is breakup advice you absolutely have to follow. No, you’re never gonna need them in case of an emergency. But you might end up drunk texting or calling them, and no one wants that. It’s unhelpful and having that number saved means that the option is always there. Delete ASAP!
When you find yourself newly single, you might also find you have a lot of spare time on your hands that was previously spent with your partner. It’s all too easy to allocate this to moping, but the best thing you can do is use it for self care. Invest in a face mask, take frequent bubble baths, watch comedies, stay hydrated. Love yourself! It will make getting over your breakup much easier.
Most people are guilty of somewhat neglecting their friends when they’re in a relationship – it’s only natural to spend a lot of your time with your significant other. However, now is the perfect opportunity to reach out to your group. Socialising is important for your well being, it will take your mind off things, and your friends may have some great breakup advice themselves!
There’s nothing worse than having negative thoughts swirling around your mind all the time. A good bit of advice is to try and write your feelings down. Putting pen to paper will get things off your chest, and may help you see things more clearly. Plus, it’s all great material for when you finally write your memoir!
There is no time limit to getting over someone. An important piece of breakup advice is not to rush yourself – feel what you need to feel. If after weeks, months, or even years, you’re still not 100% there, do not beat yourself up about it. Take your time to heal, so that you can heal fully.
After a breakup, you are bound to be feeling all kinds of crazy and sometimes horrible emotions all at once – that’s a lot of energy. It’s a good idea to try and channel this into something positive. Maybe take up an art class or a new sport. Going for a run when you’re angry is an excellent way to burn off steam, for example. Go out there and live your best life!
Arguably the most important piece of breakup advice: be nice to you! Treat yourself like you would treat a friend going through the same thing. Breakups can bring on feelings of self doubt and worthlessness, and have you questioning what you did wrong. When you find yourself doing this, try to gently remind yourself that you are a beautiful, amazing person, the right person is out there for you, and you will get through this.
Your heartache isn’t going to last forever. It might feel like it, but it just isn’t. Most people will experience some serious breakup pain in their lives at some point or other, and they come out the other side. Take one day at a time – it will get better, I promise.
You know that classic breakup advice, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else? There might be a point there. I’m not saying you should go and look for The One straight away, but if you’re feeling ready, a couple of fun and casual dates or a night out dancing might be just the ticket to getting you out of your funk and reminding you that there are other people out there. Go and have some fun!
What breakup advice have you found most helpful for actually getting over someone? Let us know in the comments below!
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