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The Best Yoga Positions To Improve Your Sleep Pattern

The Best Yoga Positions To Improve Your Sleep Pattern

The Best Yoga Positions To Improve Your Sleep Pattern

Yoga positions have been known to improve many aspects of the health, from metabolism, weight, muscle stiffness and most importantly sleeping patterns. There are many variants in yoga positions, some are predominantly more physically demanding, where others are slow, relaxed and not overly exerted. The reason why yoga aids in gaining a good sleeping pattern is because your mind focuses on relaxing the body through each pose. The focus on breath reduces the stress hormones such as cortisol and counteracts them entirely. The yoga positions featured within this article will consist entirely from the vinyasa flow routine. A cardio based routine, that features slow yoga poses to help you sleep!

1. Downward facing dog

A yoga position that begins on all fours, this pose requires exhale of breath to go deeper into the pose. As you exhale, focus on lifting your hips higher and in turn bring your feet closer to your chest. Try increasing the change every 15 seconds of focused breath. By tucking your tummy into your spine you will feel a deep stretch down your side-this of all the yoga positions requires immense focus and increases the strength within your core and shoulders.

2. Plank position

So we have all guaranteed tried this pose before, and most likely despised it for its immense difficulty. Yet yoga increases your appreciation for it, as it raises the awareness for your bodies strength-in particular within the core. This pose is recommended with at least three repetitions, going into it from a downward facing dog, ensuring the exhale is used to support your body through the shoulders, core and hamstrings. Use your hamstrings to allow for subtle slow movements in between exhales-each exhale, scoop your stomach in further towards your spine. The benefits of this position is, it aids posture greatly. Say goodbye to pain in your back when sleeping!


3. Upward facing dog

Once the planks repetitions are completed, exhale and flip your feet position entirely, extending your arms long and firm into the ground. Make sure your hips, knees and thighs are lifted above the ground as you go deeper with the curve of your spine by taking your head backwards and looking up to the sky. This of all yoga positions should encourage your shoulder blade to draw towards each other during the deepening the position. This position opens up your chest more meaning breath shouldn’t feel conjested nor restricted.

4. Child pose

The most relaxing of all the yoga positions, this is an ideal pose to gently ease off from the more physically demanding of poses. To get into this pose, come down to your knees, slowly easing and curving your spine so that your head can rest on the ground. Tuck your knees into your stomach and spine and extend your arms parallel to one another above your head. Focus on the stretch above your head and exhale each time you stretch. Let your core relax, in addition to your arms and head-focusing entirely on your incremental spaced breathing. This position heightens your awareness of your body and tells your body to slow down, which is perfect in aiding sleep!

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5. Mountain Pose

The final of all yoga positions in this routine, this position allows you to rise from the child’s pose by inhaling and bringing your feet together. Once you have done so, swing your arms above your head and exhale your breath. You should feel a stretch from your spine upwards as your reach to the sky. Engage your core as you breathe in, extending your stance from your toes, calves and quadriceps. This positions pose is beneficial for posture and firm stance within the ground. It reinforces the spines positioning and makes the body relay more heavily on the core for support.

Yoga positions increases self awareness completely, it allows you to engage and appreciate the body your have. It also raises muscle capacity function, relieving tension in other parts of the body by re-calibrating all the muscles to support the human body. Mindful breathing is essential for anyone who wishes to sleep nourishingly. Therefore by engaging in yoga-you are half way there!

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