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The Best Vegetarian Alternatives To Meat

The Best Vegetarian Alternatives To Meat

Looking for the best vegetarian alternatives to meat that taste great, are good for you and give you all the nutrients? Here are some of our favourites!

Finding vegetarian alternatives to replace the meat on your plate can be hard when you first make the switch. Finding alternatives that you like and enjoy and that also give you all the nutrients that you need is extremely important.

There are a few different brands that make vegetarian alternatives of meat products – such as chicken nuggets, schnitzels and sausages. There are also a few different vegetables that you can use to replace meat products. To save you doing the research and trial and error yourself, we have made a list of the best vegetarian alternatives to meat that will make you happy and taste incredible!


The first of our favourite vegetarian alternatives is a brand called Quorn. Quorn creates vegetarian meat using a protein called Mycoprotein which is high in fibre and low in saturated fat. It is made from a fermented fungus that uses 90% less land and water than animal production.


The products that Quorn makes include mince, sausages, schnitzels, bacon, ‘fish free’ fingers, and burger patties just to name a few – there are over 100 products. Quorn’s products taste delicious and rate between a 3.5 star to 5-star health rating.

Some Quorn products are also vegan-friendly and gluten free. Their website also has a few recipes you can make using their products.

Beyond Meat

Beyond Meat is another brand that focuses on making vegetarian alternatives to meat products. They claim that their products improve your health, have a positive impact on climate change, address resource constraints, and improve animal welfare.


Their products include burger patties, sausages, and mince; however, they are most famous for their burgers. The primary source of protein in their burgers is peas and has no GMOs, soy or gluten. The burgers also have beetroots in them that causes them to ‘bleed’ similar to meat-based burgers.


Mushrooms are another of the best vegetarian alternatives to meat. They are an awesome alternative to meat as they have a meat-like texture and are packed with vitamins and minerals. They are also low in fat and carbohydrates.

Mushrooms can be used in a variety of ways including using portobello (large) mushrooms as an alternative to a burger patty. Mushrooms can be fried, baked, stuffed, diced to act as vegetarian mince, or put on a pizza.


Chickpeas, Lentils and Beans

Chickpeas, lentils and beans are great vegetarian alternatives to meat for their nutritional benefits. All of these are packed with nutrients, protein and fibre and also slows digestion helping to make you feel full quicker. They are also filled with iron, helping you to still have a good iron intake without having to eat meat.

See Also

Chickpeas, lentils and beans can be made into soups, curries, tossed in salads or cooked as a snack or side.



Another of the best vegetarian alternatives to meat is similar to tofu but with a slight difference: tempeh. Tempeh is traditionally made from fermented soybeans but can also be made from beans, wheat, whole grains, soy pulp, or cassava fibre. It is a healthy source of vitamins, minerals, protein and calcium.

It has a nutty, mushroom flavour and has a grainy texture, unlike tofu which has a very subtle, smooth taste. Tempeh is a great addition to stir-fries, curries, salads and rice dishes.


The last of our vegetarian alternatives to meat is eggplant. Eggplant is high in nutrients, antioxidants and is super easy to add to your diet. It can be baked, roasted, sauteed, or grilled and added to any meal. It can be put on burgers, in salads, as part of a roast or as a snack.


We hope you enjoy these vegetarian alternatives to meat! Comment below which one is your favourite.

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