Saving money while you’re a university student is important and one way to do that is to bring your own snacks to campus. This way you aren’t using your hard earned money to buy overpriced food and can better invest your cash someplace else. Here are some of the best snacks to bring to campus that’ll fill you up and keep you from spending!
A liquid breakfast drink can in some ways become a lifesaver. Whether this be a smoothie you made at home and brought in a travel cup or something like a shake similar to an up and go this liquid breakfast is a great way to begin your day. It’s a great snack for those 8 am lectures when you need to fuel yourself for the day ahead but don’t want to make a mess in the lecture theatre. They are convenient to consume and you can buy them in bulk.
Another great snack to bring to campus is a packet of chips. You can opt for a healthy option or something a little less nutritious, that’s completely up to you and how you feel on the day. Chips can be filling and satisfying and for this reason, are a great option to bring to campus. They can be loud to eat but this encourages you to find a quiet place to relax and snack before you get back into the business of things and we can all use those simple reminders during our day.
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