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The Best Essential Oils For All Aspects Of Your Life

The Best Essential Oils For All Aspects Of Your Life

Essential oils are the latest lifestyle trend that is taking the world by storm. You can find them in almost every pharmacy and chemist and most households have essential oils as well. Essential oils are naturally derived oils that are obtained through distillation and have the odour and flavour of the plant from which they are obtained.

Basically, the oil captures the plants “essence” as well as adopting certain characteristics and aspects of it. The most common use of essential oils is for aromatherapy and is either inhaled or diluted and rubbed onto the skin.

Essential oils can have many health benefits such as improving mental health, helping get rid of migraines, positively affecting sleep quality, help reduce pain, and help fight off bacteria. Other uses include cosmetic uses, freshening up the home and laundry, and insect repellent. Here are some of the best essential oils and their use in everyday life.



The first of our favourite essential oils is lavender. Lavender is probably the most commonly used scent and has many benefits and properties as an essential oil! This includes stress relief, relaxation, helping reduce headaches, and positively affecting sleep quality as well as reducing insomnia.

All of these benefits come from either inhaling using a humidifier or by diluting and rubbing into the skin. Each benefit may require the oil to be used differently. For example, for the best results for headaches, dilute and rub into your temples.

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Peppermint is another essential oil with many health benefits. The benefits of peppermint as an essential oil include boosting energy, relieving muscle and headache pain, stimulate concentration and help reduce skin irritation.

The best ways to use peppermint essential oils is to rub it into your skin, add a few drops into your bath, or inhale it.


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Another essential oil that is extremely helpful in daily life is bergamot. Bergamot essential oil is used for dry rough skin, to help improve skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, as a deodorant, combating infection and reducing stress.


The best way to use bergamot essential oils is to add it to scent-free lotions to use as a facial and skin moisturiser, putting a few drops in a bath and adding it to a homemade deodorant. Another use for it is to put a few drops around plants to keep pets and other animals away from them!

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Eucalyptus has many uses and benefits as an essential oil. These include temporary relief for arthritis, rheumatism and other muscular pains, as a decongestant, an insect repellent, and to treat burns, blisters and other wounds.

The best way to achieve these benefits is by rubbing it into the skin, inhaling it and putting a few drops in your bath.

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Tea Tree

Another of our beneficial essential oils is tea tree. The uses of tea tree as an essential oil include drying out pimples, respiratory relief, improving cold sores and rashes, soothing insect bites, healing minor wounds and boosting immunity.


The best way to utilise this essential oil is by spotting undiluted onto your skin, diluting and rubbing into your skin, inhaling, putting a few drops into your bath or diluting in a spray bottle.

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The last on this list of essential oils is chamomile. As an essential oil, chamomile is used for its soothing and calming properties, alleviating stress and symptoms of depression, easing menstrual cramps and relieving back pain.

The best way to use chamomile as an essential oil is to put in a humidifier or apply diluted to the skin.

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We hope this helps you to start using essential oils in your day to day life! Comment below what oils you use and what you use them for!

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