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The Best Easter Brunch Ideas That You Should Try This Year

The Best Easter Brunch Ideas That You Should Try This Year

The Best Easter Brunch Ideas That You Should Try This Year

Easter, the most chocolaty and colorful holiday is coming! This year, on 21st of April everywhere colored eggs and funny bunny will fill your cities and dinner tables. Are you fed up of the same menu? Why don’t you organise an Easter brunch with your friends?

Check these Easter brunch recipes out and impressive all your guest with these easy and funny dishes. Everyone will be dreaming about them until the next spring!

1. Chick Deviled Eggs

An Easter brunch can’t really start without some eggs. Plus, there is nothing cutest of eggs transformed in little chicks! Everybody will be in love with this easy recipe. Boil some eggs for some minutes. Once they will be ready, peel them and cut the top of each egg about 1/3 of the way down. Carefully removed the yolks and place it in a bowl. Mash yolks with a fork and add mayonnaise, vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper. Transfer filing to a piping bag and start to fill the egg whites. At this point, create some beaks and feet with a carrot as well as some little eyes with black olives. And voilà, your little chicks will be ready to be served!


2. Asparagus, Pancetta and Puff Pastry Bundles

Everything is better wrapped in bacon! This easy appetizer combine a puff pastry with asparagus and bacon for a lovely result. Bake bacon for about 20 minutes. In the meanwhile, prepare the pastry: roll it out to a large rectangle, square off edges and cut it into 8 even squares. Toss asparagus with olive oil, salt and pepper. At this point, wrap 3 or 4 stalks of asparagus with the cooked bacon and sprinkle with parmesan cheese. Then, wrap puff pastry around this bacon/asparagus roll. Brush each pastry with some egg wash and bake for about 12 minutes. Enjoy!

3. Carrot Cresent

Unleash your creativity for this Easter brunch appetizer: here, the filling possibilities are infinite! Cut off slice of dough long ways. With the help of a mold, start now to create your little carrots. Starting at the bottom, wrap crescent dough around the mold. Combine water with few drops of orange water together and brush your crescent rolls for making them orange. At this point, bake your rolls according to package directions. Wait that they cool down before removing mold and filling with your favourite dips.


4. Maple Bacon Carrots

Sweet, savory and tender: an easy Easter brunch idea that everybody will love! Wrap each carrot in one strip of bacon and brush all over with maple syrup and black pepper. Bake for 10 minutes in preheated oven to 400°. At this point, remove from oven and brush with remaining maple syrup. Bake for other 15 minutes till the carrots will be tender and bacon crisp. Yummy!

5. Easter Cheese Ball

Let’s get your Easter brunch as cheesy as possible with this recipe! In a bowl, mix together cream cheese, cheddar, Worcestershire, hot sauce (if you have hot taste!), chopped parsley and Italian seasoning. To be fair, you can choose your favourite cheese here: it’s just about to get more cheesy as possible, so dare according your preferences! Once, it will be perfectly mixed and fluffy, transfer it to a serving platter and crate with the cheese mixture a carrot shape. Sprinkle with some cheddar and refrigerate for 30 minutes to 1 hours. Use a bunch of parsley on the top as carrot stems. Serve with crackers.


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6. Easter Bunny Spinach Dip

How could it be a funny way to serve spinach? In an Easter bunny, of course! Hot, melty, cheesy spinach dip surrounded by crescent roll bites perfect for scooping up the dip. Trust me, it could seem difficult to make, but it’s actually really easy. For the spinach dip, heat and stir spinach, cream cheese, garlic, parmesan cheese and mozzarella for some minutes, till it became hot and melty. Prepare your roll bites cutting and rolling small part of crescent dough. At this point, create a bunny shape using your dough pieces. Then, scoop the hot spinach dip into the center of the body as well as add some dip into the ears. Cover the dip with some more mozzarella and bake your bunny for about 18 minutes. Tasty and funny, it is also a creative way to make children eat spinach!


7. Easter Candy Bark

We can’t think about an Easter brunch without dreaming about chocolate. Alongside chocolate eggs that your guests will bring, why don’t you create your personal colorful chocolate bark? It’s really easy! Melt different types of chocolate and mix them together. Once ready, carefully pour chocolate onto the center of your baking sheet. Then, with the help of a spatula, gently smooth out. Do the same with the white chocolate and, then, pour it on top, creating a zig zag effect. Sprinkle different Easter candy and eggs on the top of everything. Remember, add more colour as possible for a better result! Transfer the baking sheet on the fridge and chill it out at least for one hour. Smash the bark into pieces and serve. Nothing is better than chocolate!

8. Easter Bunny Fruit Tray

For ending up a brunch some fruit is always a good choice. We are in Easter time here, so what is it better than a Easter bunny fruit tray? Cut your favourite fruit and create a bunny with all the pieces. Simple but really eye-catching! It will be a shame eating it.

9. Chick Cupcakes

Cupcakes are ideal as brunch dessert. They can be made using any flavour and be decorated in infinite funny ways. For your Easter brunch, prepare these cute chick cupcakes. Everybody will love them! Find your favourite recipe and unleash your creativity.


Try these Easter brunch ideas and share your result in the comments below! In the meanwhile, happy Easter to all of you!

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