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The Best Cosmetic Clay To Use For Your Skin Type

The Best Cosmetic Clay To Use For Your Skin Type

The type of clay that you use on your skin can make all the difference! Here are the best cosmetic clay's to use for your skin type!

Face masks are a staple in facial skincare; from sheet masks, to peel off masks, to bubble masks, to exfoliating masks – the list is never ending! While many types of masks are out of vogue as quickly as they came in, there is an age-old favourite that always seems to remain popular; the cosmetic clay mask! While it’s easy to pick up any number of face masks from the chemist, it isn’t always easy to know which clay is best for your skin type. To help you out with picking the right cosmetic clay for you, here is a list of the best cosmetic clay for your skin type!

Rhassoul Clay

Rhassoul clay is a fantastic cosmetic clay for a variety of uses. The name rhassoul clay is derived from the Morrocan word ‘ghassala’ meaning, ‘to wash’. This unique clay is found in Morocco and is extremely versatile; it can be used on most skin types. It is a gentle, yet highly cosmetic clay that has a gel-like texture when activated with water. The clay has a negative charge, which attracts dirt, and pore-clogging oils to the surface, which is then washed away with the clay, as it is being removed. This unique clay is perfect to use for cleansing your skin instead of using a face wash. Rhassoul clay is one of the primary ingredients in Lush Cosmetics famous ‘Cupcake Face Mask’, which can only point to good things!

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Australian Pink Clay

Australian pink clay is a magic ingredient for dry, dehydrated or mature skin; like other clays, pink clay cleanses the skin. However, unlike other clays, pink clay does not work by removing the oils from the skin, so cleanses without stripping the sun. It’s also great for sensitive and irritated skin types. This cosmetic clay is also highly replenishing and restorative as it contains a number of minerals that help to keep the skin healthy.

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Fullers Earth Clay

From Britain to India, this is a universally loved cosmetic clay (although in India, it is known as ‘Multani Mitti’) This clay has so many different uses that it is difficult to know where to start! Not only is Fullers Earth fantastic for soaking up excess oil and cleansing your pores, leaving your skin soft and glowing.

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French Green Clay

This cosmetic clay is very well known, and considering how versatile it is, this isn’t surprising! French green clay lends itself to its green colour, which is due to the impressive list of minerals that it boasts. While French green clay is highly absorbent, it is also quite gentle, making it perfect for combination skin. The type of green clay to look out for is one that is a rich, true green colour, as opposed to a pale, greyish colour, as this is an indication of inferior quality green clay.

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Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay is one of the most absorbent and strong clays; this clay is a dream for acne or breakout sufferers, as it literally acts as a vacuum on the skin! It causes the skin to pulse as it works to pull out deeply embedded dirt, toxins and excess oil from within your pores. It is extremely gratifying as you can feel it working! Unlike other clays, which are best mixed with water, Bentonite clay is best mixed with an acidic substance such as vinegar, as this allows for a smooth, workable texture. Due to this reason, it may not be the best option for dry or sensitive skin types.


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Do you incorporate cosmetic clay in your skincare routine? What are your favourite clays?

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