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The Best Air BnB Experiences For Your Next Trip

The Best Air BnB Experiences For Your Next Trip

With thousands of Air BnB Experiences to choose from it can be hard to decide which ones to go for. Here is our pick of the most exciting ones!

When planning a trip abroad it’s easy to stick to the tourist hotspots rather than leaving our comfort zone or trying unconventional activities. The Air BnB Experiences offering has made it a little easier for travelers to see places from a different point of view and connect with local people. While there are thousands of exciting experiences to choose from, there are a few gems that stick out as being exceptional.

Cooking For A Cause

Visit the Air BnB Experiences page and you will most likely be bombarded with cooking classes run by locals that often include a visit to a local market or grocery store followed by an intimate lesson into mastering regional dishes and a meal with the food you have cooked. Although this is a great way to learn about local culture and meet new people, there is nothing extra special about it.

For an experience that still allows you to do all of these things but also give back to the community, try a Cooking For A Cause class. With the proceeds going to small charities that help those in need, not only will you learn a new skill and make new friends but you will also have the opportunity to find out about the charity work done in the area and what is being done to provide help. If you are going to take part in a cooking class anyway, why not do it to help others?


Small Village Tour

Taking a trip to a popular tourist destination is amazing – you get to immerse yourself in culture and see landmarks unique to the location, but in order to get a true understanding of the people that live in surrounding areas consider taking a remote village tour. Perhaps a bit out of people’s comfort zones, visiting a village is not something often done alone due to language barriers and directions, but many locals on Air BnB Experiences now organize guided trips so you can learn about the history and meet the settlers of villages away from the overpopulated tourist areas. Popular trips include visiting the Berber, Mentawai, and Maasai villages where people have been blown away by the hospitality and generosity of the local communities. Outings like these make great experiences to educate younger children on how other cultures live.

Lunch At A Prison

In order to educate and reform people for life outside of prison, a few prisons have opened restaurants and cafes for the public where the food and service are all provided by the prisoners working there. You may be expecting sub-par food but in reality, the dishes are often high-end restaurant quality with professional chefs being brought in to train the inmates and many of these eateries are highly regarded.

While you are enjoying your delicious meal, guests are able to chat to the waiters and waitresses and find out more about their lives, how the got into the position they are now in and what their goals are for after they are released. Though these Air BnB Experiences are not for everyone, for those that choose to take part, it is a truly insightful and humbling way to spend an afternoon on your travels.

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Unconventional Insight Tour

A guided walking tour of a city is one of the most popular things for tourists to do when traveling. Options range from a standard landmark tour to more niche ‘best pizza joints in the city’ tours. For something a bit more educational try one of the Air BnB Experiences feminist or LGBTQ+ tours that will talk you through local history and culture in regards to activism and equal rights. You will learn a lot about what has been and is being done to make a change as well as meeting like-minded people from all over the world. If you have already seen the major tourist attractions on a previous trip, these tours make for great activities for delving deeper into the life of the locals.

Private Flight

The most extravagant of Air BnB Experiences on this list, perhaps best saved for a romantic trip away is a private flight. Some locals with pilot licenses who own their own small planes have taken to the site to offer private flights, allowing you to see the sights from the sky. With headsets provided, you will get to experience the flight the same way that the pilot does while sightseeing at the same time. An extraordinary way to view a city and one you will never forget.


Comment below with the Air BnB Experiences you have tried and let us know why we should do it too.
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