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8 Teas You Need To Try Out Right Now

8 Teas You Need To Try Out Right Now

Do you want to step up your tea game? Check out our list and try out some of the best teas we've suggested for you this summer!

As you might already know, drinking tea is a lovely experience that brings many benefits. If you’re like me and like exploring new teas every now and then and need the inspiration to try some new tastes, then you need to check the list we’ve made and find your new beloved tea!

1. Twinings Spicy Chai

For all of you that love going to Costa, Starbucks, and Cafe Nero to drink your beloved chai lattes! I actually found this one quite unexpectedly, as a few days prior I had finally tried the chai latte. I loved the taste and hoped to find some tea replacement in supermarkets, as we all know that drinking a chai latte for £2.75 every day is not only expensive but high in calories. Twining’s teas are all very good quality and, with this one in particular, all you need to do to get that chai latte flavour is to add some milk and honey/sugar to the tea. It’s absolutely lovely!

2. Twinings Detox

Another one of Twining’s teas which I absolutely love having. It’s good to drink the detox one when you want to cleanse yourself, so you can combine it with days where your diet is mainly veggies and fruit to get that maximum ”detox” effect. It has a nice flavour of lemon and ginger and is great with some honey.


3. Pukka After Dinner

As we all know, Pukka is a great brand for teas that produces a wide variety of teas for anyone. I personally like their After Dinner tea, as it’s a great replacement of ”coffee after a meal” so if this is a habit of yours, you can simply switch to this tea and see how you feel.

4. Pukka Night Time

Another amazing Pukka tea with, of course, organic oat flour and lavender. It’s caffeine free and guarantees to put you in that sleepy mood before going to bed. Besides, even if you don’t really need that tea, it’s nice to drink something warm before heading to bed and have that as a habit, right?

5. Twinings Jasmine Green Tea

We all know the great benefits green tea has and now you can enjoy this one with the lovely fragrance of jasmine. The tea has a very good taste and is quite refreshing, if you aren’t quite a fan of jasmine, you could always try Twinings’ green teas such as green tea with salted caramel, green tea with lemon and green tea with black tea.

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6. Heath and Heather Organic Bright & Fruity Morning Time

This tea is wonderful for drinking, as the name suggests, in the morning. It gives you a fruity kick and not only this but if you like drinking your tea knowing it’s organic, then you’ll surely enjoy this one, as its ingredients are 100% organic and smell amazing.

7. Lipton Stress Less Herbal Supplement

Lipton’s tea is for people who need to sit down and relax for a little bit and although the name makes it sound like you’re drinking a liquid medicine, worry not, you aren’t. They’re just making sure that you read the label beforehand, which is quite clever, actually. Nevertheless, if you feel stressed in your life and wish for a way to just relax a little bit without taking any drugs, then give this Lipton tea a try.


8. Lipton Soothe Your Tummy Herbal Supplement

For the days when your stomach is doing whatever it wants you can try Lipton’s stomach calming tea which contains ginger and peppermint. You can try having one or two cups of tea a day and enjoy the soothing feeling.

The teas we suggested are all great and have a lovely taste, we hope you found the one you’ll be trying out soon. Let us know what you think about it in the comments below.

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