Uni Life

10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At Edinburgh Napier University

10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At Edinburgh Napier University

Edinburgh Napier University is a place where students discover who they are and who they want to be. It is…

6 years ago

10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At University Of South Wales

No matter which campus you go to, being a student at the University of South Wales is always interesting and…

6 years ago

Why Moving Away For University Is Worth It

Moving away is nerve-wracking, we know. Heading away to University is one of the scariest things you can do, especially…

6 years ago

Are Universities Putting Enough Emphasis On Mental Health?

Mental health can often fall onto the backburner during University. University is a relatively stressful period of life for most…

6 years ago

20 Signs You Go To York St. John

I’m extremely proud to be a student of York St. John because it is, in my opinion, one of the…

6 years ago

Things You’ll Only Understand If You Went To School In The UK

School in the UK is a unique experience, I think I speak for everyone when I say that. I mean,…

6 years ago

20 Mistakes Every University Of Nottingham Fresher Makes

Welcome to uni! And what better uni than the University of Nottingham am I right?#GreenAndGold You’re a fresher straight out of sixth form or…

6 years ago

6 Signs You Go To University of Glasgow

The University of Glasgow is a great school, and I can proudly say that I am a recent graduate from…

6 years ago

10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At University Of Westminster

On paper, all academic institutions - schools, colleges, universities - are the same. Lectures to attend, professors and seminar leaders…

6 years ago

10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At The University Of Nottingham

The University of Nottingham is a buzzing green and gold hub of fun and prosperity. It definitely has got its…

6 years ago