
How I Made Extra Cash While In College

How I Made Extra Cash While In College

  Being broke while studying at college or university is guaranteed to make a bad day even worse. You don’t…

2 years ago

15 Signs You Are A Film Student At Edge Hill University

Going to university is one of those life events which you look forward to throughout your school years. You daydreamed…

2 years ago

Here’s Why You Need a Journal During Uni

Do you remember the adverts for diaries with voice-activated passwords and invisible ink to keep the boys and parents out?…

2 years ago

Essential Apps Every Student Should Have

Most students have a smartphone. They take their phone everywhere they go. From a night out to taking public transport,…

2 years ago

5 Student Apps Every New Student Needs

In this day and age of technology, there are apps everyone needs to survive, especially students! There are student apps…

5 years ago

5 Tips For Making It Through That All-Nighter

If you're a uni student, you'll know that pulling an all-nighter is sometimes necessary. Whether it's cramming for an exam…

5 years ago

6 Healthy Revision Snacks To Help You Stay Motivated

If you're stuck in the library until late working on a deadline, it's tempting to want to grab something out…

5 years ago

Marker Brands You Definitely Need For Your University Notes

It is important for your university notes to be clear. Different researchers affirm that the more colors you use to…

6 years ago

5 Cute Ways To Organise Your Desk

Having an organised desk is the key to a productive mindset. After all, a disheveled pile of books and loose…

6 years ago

10 People You’ll Always Run Into At Glasgow Caledonian University

If you're about to become a Glasgow Caledonian University student after summer and are nervous about making new friends or…

6 years ago