Your first day at college or university is always incredible nerve-racking, even if someone won’t admit to it, we’re all…
Are you dreading the day you have to move out of your student accomodation? Worried that something will go wrong?…
Being a student at University can be both a daunting and thrilling experience for many people. There's this constant idea…
We've all been there when it hits 3 am and you're sobering up in a dingy club. The only thing…
As soon as that student loan comes in we all know what you’re thinking, head straight to the shops and…
When you’re a student of York St. John, living in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, there…
Student loans can be a confusing issue to get your head around. But familiarising yourself with how the system works…
While the phrase “student budget travel” may seem like an oxymoron, it’s now easier and more affordable than ever to…
We’ve all been there, whether it is for school, college, or work, we’ve all had meltdowns over what to wear.…
As students were always looking for the best apps to make high school and college that little bit easier. After…