Transferring a few precious dollars into your bank account to buy tonight's dinner? Dreading the day that you have to…
For a lot of people going to uni, thinking about their up and coming student life is one of the…
If you're about to become a Glasgow Caledonian University student after summer and are nervous about making new friends or…
It's no secret that student accommodation can be uncomfortable at the best of times. University bedrooms are often difficult to…
There is so much to do whilst living as a student in Coventry. Coventry is the second biggest city in…
Being a student at University can be both a daunting and thrilling experience for many people. There's this constant idea…
Being a student at University of Ulster Belfast comes with a roller coaster of emotions and stress levels. From going…
As students were always looking for the best apps to make high school and college that little bit easier. After…
Going to university in Liverpool has been one of the best decisions I've ever made! It has everything a prospective…
Not that many people know the full extent of what life is like at Coventry University. It is well known…