Transferring a few precious dollars into your bank account to buy tonight's dinner? Dreading the day that you have to…
It sometimes seems impossible to save money as a university student, and we often find ourselves longing for the day…
Whether you're a broke student or want to save money for a holiday, house, or car; everyone wants to make…
Saving up money is a tricky concept. You see, money always has to be spent anyways, no matter how much…
Maybe you're a student, maybe you need to save up for a holiday, maybe you need to buy a car,…
Technology nowadays and social media in general, are a crucial part of our lifestyle. As much as I say that…
University can be expensive especially for those of you that are on a budget, here are some tips to cut…
For most, being a poor student is the most bone-chilling financial period of your life. A truly dark economic situation…
It's a popular belief that traveling a lot is a privilege for rich people. Everybody has at least one friend…