plant based

The 10 Best Vegetarian Restaurants in Birmingham

The 10 Best Vegetarian Restaurants in Birmingham

Vegetarian food can be hard to find, but thankfully, going veggie is becoming more and more popular.  Vegetarian restaurants are…

7 months ago

10 Vegan Alternatives That Taste Just Like Junkfood

Eating a plant-based diet doesn't have to be boring and you don't have to give up the food you love…

10 months ago

10 Food Prep Meals That Are Totally Plant Based

Students are busy people, and cooking meals every day takes a lot of time and effort. Over the years, I’ve…

2 years ago

The Struggle To Live Sustainably In The City

Whether it’s a down to the so-called Greta Thunberg effect, the #zerowaste movement or everyone’s obsession with straws, the question…

6 years ago