
12 Types Of People You’ll Run Into When In Chennai

12 Types Of People You’ll Run Into When In Chennai

Chennai is a vibrant city brimming with culture and tradition. But what makes the city come alive are its people.…

4 months ago

10 Qualities Of Animals That Humans Should Consider

“Oh you are such an animal!” and “you behave like an animal” are both examples of insults and slurs that…

4 months ago

10 People That Inspire Me And Will Inspire You Too

Inspiration comes in many shapes and forms. For me, it comes from people from various walks of life; some of…

7 months ago

10 Signs You Are Generation Z

I'm sure you've heard who Millennials are but does Generation Z ring a bell at all? Every generation has been…

8 months ago

10 People You’ll Always Run Into At Southampton Solent University

University is the time in your life where you will meet a whole range of individuals from all walks  of…

11 months ago

The 6 Types Of People You’ll Meet At University

There are just certain types of people at University you're bound to meet, wherever you go. Here's our list of…

5 years ago

Can We Ever Get ‘Enough’ Attention?

Can we ever get 'enough' attention? A big question, one with a variety of answers. Some would say yes, others…

5 years ago

8 Kinds Of People You Need To Stay Away From

We deal with different kinds of people in our day to day life. There are people who genuinely lifts you…

5 years ago

Kill ‘Em With Kindness

Has it ever been suggested to you that you need to stand up for yourself more? Be more assertive? Even…

5 years ago

Conversations With Boys – What My Male Friends Really Think About Girls

I count myself lucky to have had a wide variety of friends in my life, all providing me with so…

5 years ago